shirou, feelings

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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

"Y/N~ when are you you Shirou gonna confess your undying love to each other?" You looked at your dark haired friend, Misaki Rinko. It was one of those rare days when she gets to wander around freely and you haven't seen her since last year's FFI. She was pretty upset that the team lost, and she literally disappeared off the face of the earth upon arrival at the airport. Since you were a manager for the Inazuma Japan team, you always made it a habit to monitor each player's mental and physical state. Out of all the crestfallen faces you've seen amongst your teammates, you considered Rinko to be one of the two players in the entire team who were the most upset about the loss. The other one being Fubuki Shirou.

Sure, Rinko was your bff, but Fubuki Shirou was your friend since you transferred to Japan in your first year of junior high. Since you were a foreign transfer from (country), the abrupt migration your family had to Japan caused you to have a culture shock. Thanfully, Shirou was there to guide you along, he taught you how to speak their language, their culture and so many more. This act of kindness brought about by Shirou was enough to make you cling to him. Everyday in school, there wasn't a single time anyone saw you both apart, except for rare occasions just like now.

Shirou and his brother, Atsuya, went to school before you. Of course, you completely understood that he would want to be his brother, so you insisted that you were fine with walking to school by yourself. Then, Rinko had to pop out of nowhere. She noticed how sad and lonely you looked, so instead of cheering you up like what any normal friend would do, she decided to tease you instead, about your steadily growing affections for the older Fubuki. "Stop being so dramatic, Rinko! Fubuki and I are just friends!" You exclaimed defensively, yet the look on your face convinced the girl otherwise.

"Yeah but almost every girl/boy friendship turns into something... y'know." She teasingly wiggled her brows at you, a suggestive look on her face. Your face seemed to only get redder out of embarrassment, but Rinko was obviously not stopping there. She is your bff after all. It's her job to tease you as a way of encouragement. Still, despite knowing this, you ignored her words and her acts of encouragement as you sped up, the school located above the snowy hill coming in sight. Rinko shook her head and sighed. "Honestly, what will I do with a hesitant boy and a shy girl? Buddha, help me." She looked upwards and sent a silent prayer to the god above. A breeze went past her almost on cue and as if a God was listening to her.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

Upon arriving at school, the first thing you did was bump into none other than Fubuki Shirou himself. Literally, and not in a very elegant way. You tripped over AIR and smacked your face onto Shirou's sturdy back. He turned around and was surprised to see you standing there, pouting as you held your aching forehead. "Y/N-chan! I didn't see you there!" He quickly began to fuss over you. He cupped your face and gently turned it sideways so he could see more of your face. Upon noticing that only your forehead was hurt, he sighed in relief. He gently blew on your forehead to ease the pain, and you squeezed your eyes shut, feeling the coldness of his breath hit your forehead, spot on.

"Seriously, just leave her be, she's old enough to take care of herself. Come on, let's just go to class before the bell rings." Atsuya, who was standing there this whole time couldn't help but get irritated over the scene. Two girls walked by, and as they saw Shirou tenderly holding your face and blowing on your forehead, they couldn't help but giggle. A few more girls walked by, doing the same. Shirou didn't seem to mind, but you did. You noticed all their stares, and you couldn't help but feel embarrassed. "Ugh, Shirou! I'm alright now, we should listen to Atsuya and head to class." You hurried grabbed your bag and speedwalked inside. Atsuya furrowed his brows at the sight of your form scurrying inside the school.

Shirou picked up his bag and raised a brow. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked, turning to Atsuya. The younger Fubuki huffed and turned away. "Hell, if I know." He grumbled. Shirou couldn't help the nagging feeling inside him, but he decided to put that away for the time being as he needed to get to class before he was late. "Shirou-san!" Hearing a feminine voice call out to him, Shirou turned around and saw two girls shyly fidgeting behind him. He gave them a soft smile. "May I help you?" He asked politely. "W-well.." the girl on the right muttered shyly. "Shirou-san, are you and Y/N-san dating?!" The girl on the left excitedly asked, her eyes practically sparkling. Shirou was a little taken back, so he froze over.

Atsuya acted quickly to save his brother. "No! They're not dating! So stop bothering him!" He barked at the two girls. "Eek!" The two girls quickly ran away, and Atsuya sighed. "Seriously, Shirou, just ask her out or something. I'm getting tired of warding these crazy shippers off of you." The younger Fubuki clicked his tongue as he tucked his hands into his pockets, heading inside. Shirou frowned, but followed his brother inside anyways.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

Shirou was anything but focused during classes. His mind kept wandering to Atsuya's words, and while he was at that, his thoughts somehow morphed into an image of you. Thinking has never been so exhausting before. Was what Shirou thought as he sighed. He sat all by himself outside, in a bench near the soccer field. He used the precious time that is lunchtime, to organize his thoughts.

Well, you were sweet, determined, and really pretty. Your eyes were always shining everytime he would come over to your place to teach you more about Japan, and your H/C hair, oh gods, what he wouldn't give to run his fingers through those smooth locks of yours. And your luscious and plump lips, that looked oh-so sweet and kissable-

Shirou nearly choked on his food as his thoughts progressively began to get more and more extreme. The mere thought of you was enough to make all the heat rush to his head and his heart beat faster than ever. "Shirou? Are you okay?" Speak of the devil. You appeared beside him, looking at him with worried eyes. You sat beside him, in your hands was a bento wrapped nicely in pink. Still, Shirou lost all self control at the sight of you. The patient and understanding Shirou seemed to disappear for a moment as he swiftly pressed his lips against yours, as if he were having a taste, but as soon as he realized what he had done, he quickly pulled away and began to blubber out numerous apologies. You were in a trance.

Out of all the words that came out of his mouth, the only words that your mind seemed to registered were the words, "I'm so sorry, Y/N-chan! Please don't hate me!" You quickly snapped out of it, and grabbed his hands. The soft and sweet taste of his lips... you wanted more. You craved it like a drug that got you high and addicted.

( don't do drugs kids- )

You cut off his rant with a kiss. This one was longer than the previous one for two reasons; one, you were the one that initiated the move, and two, you both knew now that the feeling was mutual.

So you both sat there in the bench, just softly savoring the taste of each others lips until the bell rang.


"My heart-"

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

          have a thing for writing kiss scenes
          now and old requests are resurfacing
          for some reason... not that im

          chille, so anyways,

          i'm so sorry this took so long, and i
          really hope that this story did the plot
          you gave me justice...
          anyways i don't wanna do angst
          anymore, i might get depression and u
          guys might get depression so no.
          i love you guys too much 🥺

          remember to drink your water and stay

03 / 05 / 21

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