atsuya, brother's envy

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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

"Shirou! Do you want to work on our research at your house, or mine?" You chirped, approaching the older Fubuki. Shirou turned around, and you took notice of the familiar salmon haired soccer player beside him. "Hey Atsuya." You cooed, kissing your boyfriend on the cheek. Atsuya gave you a small smile, despite the giddy feeling on his chest. "Hey babe~" he smiled, kissing you back and earning a sweet giggle from you. Shirou smiled at your sweetness towards each other. "Oh, right! Shirou, where do you want to work on our research paper?" You asked, pulling yourself away from Atsuya's kisses. Atsuya pouted slightly, before he settled on clutching your waist.

He knew it was stupid to feel protective over you in front of his brother, but he simply couldn't help it. In front of males, whether they were his friends or even his brother, he couldn't help but want to keep you close to him. Shirou hummed in thought. "We could work on the cyber cafe near the school. It's near both our houses. My treat." Shirou suggested with a smile. "Huh? Why don't you just work on our house?" Atsuya chimed in, raising a brow. "Because it's farther from her house?" Shirou replied. Before a debate could be raised between the two brothers, you stepped in between them, smiling nervously. "Shirou and I can just work in the cafe, they're open until 5 pm, so we can go home when the store closes."

Atsuya frowned. In his mind, he thought that you were taking his brother's side, and he found that offensive. "How about I tag along?" Atsuya, again, suggested, this time, giving his brother a suspicious look. Shirou could feel his brother's glare, and he sweatdropped, but it seems that you didn't notice it at all. "Why do you wanna come? You hate tedious schoolwork." You questioned, raising a brow at your boyfriend. "Hey, I can go wherever I wanna go, okay?!" The salmon haired player huffed before angrily stomping away. You and Shirou looked at each other and shrugged. "Sorry about my brother, he can be a handful sometimes." The sweet, older Fubuki apologised, bowing slightly towards you. "Oh believe me, I know."

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

After class ended, you and Shirou waited at the gates for Atsuya, but you learned from his classmates that he had already gone ahead, so you and Shirou decided to head towards the cafe. As the two of you walked down the hill, you felt like someone was following you. You glanced over your shoulder and noticed a crowd of students chattering amongst themselves as they too, were heading home. "Y/N? Is something wrong?" You looked back at Shirou. After seeing the worried look on his face, you shook your head. "Nope, it's nothing." You smiled.

When you arrived at the cafe, you picked a table while Shirou went off to order. You put down your bag, and pulled out your books and notebooks. You also pulled out your laptop, and connected to the cafe's wifi.when you looked up, you nearly had a heart attack when you saw your boyfriend, Atsuya, sitting in front of you, and quietly staring at your face. Upon seeing your surprised look, he laughed. "Atsuya! Don't scare me like that!" You grumbled, holding a hand to your chest, where your heart was thumping loudly. "What are you even doing here? I thought you went home?" You asked, opening the apps you need for your research. "Where'd you hear that from? Know what, nevermind. I thought you guys were heading to the other cafe, the cat cafe." You narrowed your eyes at your boyfriend, who was giving you a look.

"I see what's going on here." Both you and Atsuya looked over, and saw Shirou standing there, holding two cups of coffee. You nodded at him. "Yeah, me too." Atsuya glanced at you, then back at his brother, with a questioning look. "What?"

"You're jealous."

"You don't trust me."

You grinned as you said the former, while Shirou seemed a bit hurt when he said his thoughts. Your face immediately fell upon hearing Shirou's words. Atsuya widened his eyes as you and Shirou looked at each other. "What?!" Atsuya exclaimed. You sighed, moving over and patting the seat beside you. You glared at Atsuya before he was about to say something towards his brother. Shirou reluctantly sat beside you. "Atsuya." You slowly looked to your boyfriend.

Atsuya fidgeted in his seat, not knowing what to do. He couldn't admit he was jealous, his pride wouldn't allow him, and he couldn't say he didn't trust his brother, they would get awkward, especially since they live in the same house.

While Atsuya was mentally debating, you and Shirou looked at each other and smirked, before slowly, you began laughing. Atsuya snapped out of it, and he looked at the two of you, confusion painted across his face. "Oh, Atsuya, you're just so cute~!" You laughed, wiping a tear off your eye. "Wha..." Atsuya was bewildered. Earlier, the mood between the three of then was tense, and awkward, and now, you and Shirou were laughing at Atsuya's confused expression. "As your big brother, I already know how prone you are to jealousy. And when you and Y/N started dating..." Shirou shook his head, smiling slightly. Atsuya's face exploded in redness as he finally realized that he was played so easily by his brother and girlfriend.

Since the seat you chose was one of those seats against the wall, you could easily move towards Atsuya. You sat beside him, and pressed a soft kiss on his lips to snap him out of his embarrassment, although, it probably did more harm than good, as Atsuya nearly fainted from his brain frying.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

          lowkey wanted to make it angst, but
          then it rained, so i was happy and then i
          decided to give the story a happy
          ending 😌

06 / 11 / 21

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