gouenji x endou, caring

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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

It was a normal day for the inazuma team. They were all enjoying a hot summer day, bathing in the sun or playing soccer by the beach. Rinko, who was the one who originally invited them, disappeared somewhere after telling them to "play nice" while she was gone. In any case, Tsunami dragged Tachimukai over to the sea to teach the latter how to surf, Toramaru and Tobitaka were building sandcastles, while Kazemaru and the rest-minus Endou and Gouenji-were playing beach volleyball.

But where was Endou and Gouenji you ask? Well they were playing soccer, just the two of them, a few ways off the rest of the team. They were trying to steal the ball away from each other, and currently, Gouenji had possession of the ball. Who ever has the ball before Rinko comes back, wins and the loser will have to do one thing the winner asks. Endou sweeped his foot in an attempt to steal the ball, and poor unsuspecting Gouenji didn't see it coming, so instead of stealing the ball, "Woah!!" Endou ended up tripping Gouenji. Endou with his quick reflexes immediately went in to catch the tan skinned male.

"Gotcha." Gouenji was only inches away from falling into the water when he closed his eyes. But he felt something grab his hand and his fall was abruptly stopped. Opening one eye, Gouenji saw Endou grinning down at him, holding his hand. Endou pulled him up, but he didn't watch his strength, so he ended up pulling Gouenji towards his chest. Their faces were only mere centimeters apart, and Gouenji found himself staring straight into Endou's warm, browning eyes. "Huh? You okay Gouenji? Your face looks kinda red." Endou asked, moving one hand to touch Gouenji's forehead, but the blonde pulled away and turned his head away to hide his embarrassment.

"Hey guys! Oh- oh- was I ruining something? Oho~ forget I was ever here." The two turned their heads around and they saw Rinko wiggling her eyebrows at them. "You weren't ruining anything!" Gouenji exclaimed defensively. "Sheesh, okay grumpy." Rinko rolled her eyes and walked off. "Gouenji, is there something wrong?" Endou looked at his friend with worry painted onto his features. "Nothing's wrong! Let's just go back inside!" Gouenji huffed and tucked his hands inside his swim trunks before speed walking towards the house. Endou stared at Gouenji's back in worry, he raked his brain for all possible reasons why Gouenji could probably get upset. Was it because he tripped him? But it was only an accident. Was it because he won? But Gouenji tripped and Endou had to save him.

No matter the situation that appeared into his mind, Endou tried his hardest to reason with himself subconsciously. He didn't realize how deep in thought he actually was until something hard hit his head. "OWW!!" Endou screamed in pain, gripping his head and falling onto the floor. When he turned his head around, he saw Rinko standing there with an annoyed expression on her face. "Tch. Don't you know it's dinner? Piece of shit." Rinko clicked her tongue, and her annoyed face turned into an angry one. One that Endou would never want to see again.

Endou scurried to his feet. "I'm sorry! I'm heading inside now!!" Endou was about to run away from the bipolar bitch known as Misaki Rinko, but then, "Endou." She called out to him, her voice calm and mellow like a calm ocean before a storm. Endou turned around sharply and he stood paralyzed and unable to face the girl. "Stop reasoning with yourself and just go for it." She told him, her eyes sharp and narrowed. "The heart knows what it wants, just like how a baby knows when it's time to be born." The girl turned her head towards the ocean where the sun was slowly setting on the horizon. Colors of yellow, pink, and purple painted her face, and Endou felt like he was staring at a European painting from the Romantic era.

"I'll head inside first then."

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

Endou was stuck on thinking about what Misaki Rinko told him, so much so that he'd refused to eat much and play some ping pong with the others. He could feel his friends looking at him with worry in their eyes, but he waved them off with a smile saying he was just tired. With that, he went to his bedroom first, but he wasn't expecting Gouenji to be there. Gouenji looked as equally surprised as him. "Rinko really has a sick sense of humor, doesn't she?" Endou asked, walking towards the empty bed beside Gouenji's. "Yeah, maybe she does, maybe she doesn't." The blonde sighed and a deafening silence enveloped the two.

"Sorry for lashing out at you earlier." Gouenji apologized softly. "I'll accept your apology if you tell me what's wrong." Endou replied as he laid on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. "It was nothing really, I guess it was just the heat getting to me." Gouenji gripped his knuckles. "You're lying." Endou suddenly spoke out of the blue. "What are you talking about?" Gouenji asked, getting annoyed. "You always grip your knuckles, or tighten your fist when you lie." The brown haired soccer freak pointed out. "You have fairly sharp instincts for someone who only cares about soccer." Gouenji laughed, relaxing his knuckles and looking down with a smile. "You're wrong!" Endou exclaimed, sitting up from his bed. "Pardon?"

"You're wrong, about me only caring about soccer." Slowly, Endou stood up and walked over to Gouenji. He kneeled in front of him and looked up, their eyes meeting. Again, Gouenji was faced with Endou's warm, brown eyes, but this time, his eyes held a certain emotion behind them. "I care about you too, Gouenji." Endou spoke in all sincerity. Gouenji's eyes widened for a millisecond just as his heart thumped loudly in his chest.

"Gouenji I- I care about you a lot because I... because I've loved you for so long now. When I first saw you play soccer, I thought that you were so cool, and I admired you from afar for so long as I watched your back during soccer games. I don't know when, but I'm pretty sure that what I'm feeling for you right now isn't just admiration, it's love." Endou grabbed Gouenji's hand and slowly lead it towards his chest. When Gouenji's palm made contact with Endou's chest, he felt a loud thump, followed by another, and then another. The pace was quick and the thumping was loud, as if his heart wanted to be freed from his chest.

"I- I-" Gouenji looked around, everything that was happening right now looked and felt like a dream and if it was, Gouenji never wanted to leave. "I love you too...."

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

          ME WHAT??? chille, i know gouenji isn't
          so much in character, but srsly, the
          story was just going so well for me and
          i was just like, "yes, this is good."

          EheCk... still tho

          HUHU Asdfghjkl
          anyways i have like, a new idea which
          i'll be announcing in the next part

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𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 inazuma eleven x readerWhere stories live. Discover now