tsunami, beach time

350 13 4


‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

You could never get tired of seeing the beach, no matter how many times your boyfriend, Tsunami, brought you. You got out of your parent's car, opening an umbrella to shield you from the sun. Even though it was the beach, you still came there wearing casual summer clothes, with your bikini underneath. "Now sweetie, don't forget to put on some sunblock! And always stay in the shade- no, honey, where you- AHHHH!" You chuckled as your father drove off while your mother was in mid-sentence. "WE'LL DROP OFF YOUR STUFF AT JOUSUKE'S!!" You waved your hand, smiling softly at your parents. You couldn't help but laugh at the sound of your parents bickering playfully as the sounds grew more distant as their car continued down the road.

While your boyfriend was born and raised on the beach, you on the other hand, were born on a completely different environment, in a cold town that always experienced snow, so of course, your skin would be sensitive to the heat of the sun. Still, that never stopped you from visiting your boyfriend on the beach.

As soon as your sandals got off the asphalt, and onto the sand, you heard the loud calling of your boyfriend. "Y/N!! YOU'RE HERE!!" He yelled from miles away. You could see him and his pink hair, excitedly jumping up and down as he called your name. You were a little embarrassed at all the attention you were getting, but you were still happy to see your boyfriend nonetheless. "Jousuke!" Once he was close enough, he tackled you into a hug, and because he was taller and heavier than you, you were easily toppled over.

As you groaned in pain, Tsunami was laughing. Seeing his bright smile, his joy-filled expression, and hearing his laugh was contagious, and soon enough, you were laughing along with him as well. "I've been excited to see you all month!!" He smiled, standing up and helping you. "I was excited to see you too." You smiled, grabbing hold of his hand. Tsunami grinned, his heart leaping at the sight of your sweet smile. "Should we go swimming? What about sandcastles? Do you wanna make sandcastles? Ooh! How about we try surfing?" Tsunami listed. It was obvious to you that he was excited, and seeing him in such a state made you really think back to the times where you had to spend you school days apart.

"Why don't you help me put on some sunblock, then we can pick something to do?" You suggested. "Of course. Anything you want." He smiled. You noticed his grip on your hand slowly tighten, but when you looked back to see Tsunami's grinning face, you brushed it off.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

After stripping down to your bikini, Tsunami helped you put on some sunblock. He knew your skin was sensitive, so he was eager to help. Although, he did use it as a chance to tickle you here and there, much to your dismay. Anyways, after all of that, you decided to build sandcastles first, because you didn't want the sand to stick to you after you were done swimming.

"Ooh! A starfish!" You smiled, pointing to a starfish that washed up on the shore. You grabbed it while Tsunami molded the foundation of your sandcastle. "Hm? Why do we need a starfish?" He asked after noticing the sea creature squirming at the palm of your hands. "Because, every castle needs a king." You smiled, placing the starfish inside a bucket. "Or a queen." You added, winking towards the starfish. Tsunami simply shook his head at your childishness. You continued building your sandcastle, layer by layer, until it was all finished. "Aw, you even made a throne room!" You awed at the nicely made room on the top of the highest tower of yours and Tsunami's sandcastle. "Now, all we need is..." you picked up the starfish from the bucket, only to notice that it was gone. "What?! Where did it go?!" You exclaimed, looking through all of the sandcastle building items you had.

"Babe, calm down. It probably returned to sea." He smiled, walking around the sandcastle to sit next to you. He rubbed your shoulder, and you looked at him with a pout. 'UGH! So cute!' He said to himself. "I've got an idea, why don't we go swimming? Maybe when we come back, our starfish king will be at his castle." He suggested. He internally squealed as he saw your face brighten up. He could feel his heart just squeezing as you acted all cute around him. "What are we waiting for then? Let's get into the water!" You smiled, standing up and dragging him over to the sea. The water felt just right as it washed over your ankles.

The entire day, the two of you spent every minute together, and even though you were against it at first, he managed to convince you to let him teach you how to surf. "Wait, so how do I do this again?" You asked, standing up on your board with your legs trembling. Tsunami was holding you and supporting you as he talked you through it. "Just relax, here, lower your hips a little bit and put your feet on either ends of the board to keep its balance." You did just as he said, except, you were still nervous. "Ehh, I don't think I wanna do this anymore!" You whined, gripping his arms tightly. "But babe-" He started, but you quickly cut him off. "Jousuke! There's a huge wave coming towards us and I'm not good at swimming!" You cried out, fearing for your life as you saw the towering wave heading towards you both.

Tsunami was grinning, but you were practically screaming. Tsunami lifted you onto his arms as he prepared. "Jousuke, what are you-" you were cut off by your own scream, as Tsunami began riding the wave, laughing as you were on his arms.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

By the time the sun was setting, you were both laying on your backs and and the sand. Your heart was still beating loudly from what you've experienced. At first, you were scared out of your mind, but thanks to your boyfriend, you were able to quickly get over your fear, and enjoy surfing. During the midst of it, Tsunami helped you stand with him on his board, allowing you to enjoy the same thing he enjoyed.

"That was..."

"Amazing? Astonishing? Awesome? Staggering?"

"Well... it was certainly something." You chuckled. Tsunami smiled. "Should we go to my place? The sand is kinda itchy." Tsunami suggested as he sat up, motioning to his back where numerous patches of sand were stuck to it. "Yeah, we definitely should." You sighed, getting up and brushing off all the sand in your back. You looked towards Tsunami and smiled before grabbing his hand. Smiling, the pink haired surfer lead you away.

"Hey, Y/N?"


"I'm really glad you're here." You looked at your boyfriend. You were caught off guard by his confession, and if you were being honest, it made your heart swell up in happiness. You leaned your head onto his shoulder, smiling softly as you walked down the beach.

"Me too."

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

          can this be classified as a fluff?? idk,
          but when i think of fluff, i just think of
          two cute characters being all cute and
          doing cute things and all that cute stuff

06 / 07 / 21

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