nagumo, language of flowers

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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

New experiences are always an adventure, but that doesn't always make it exciting. As a new transfer student to the school called Eisei Gakuen, you tried to keep a positive point of view to distract yourself from your growing anxiety. In your old school, you were never really liked or disliked by your peers, but there were times when one side would tip over the other. Most of the time, it would tip over the disliked side, because of your airheaded and oblivious personality. People found it how annoying you were whenever you didn't understand something, and instead of working hard to understand it, you would just laugh it off and hope things would work out.

Some people would find it cute though, but those people were a rare species. You really only had one friend in your old school, and she was always by your side despite fact that you were always running around, leaving her in the dust. But now, you were in a separate race track. The first week was uneventful, and you mostly spent your time alone. The peace was nice, but it made you feel lonely. That was how it was for you in the first week, but come the second week, someone decided it would be fun to leave a single flower in your desk every morning, or everytime you would leave your desk alone. Most of the time, the flowers left on your desk was a pink rose, sometimes a red one, but no one, especially not you, knew who was leaving the flowers in your desk. This continued on for the entire month.

You tried to come to school early one time, and you were successful in being the first student to arrive. It was so early, the gates were still closed and the sun was just barely getting up from its slumber. You crouched down, hugging your knees close to your chest as the morning air somehow became chilly. You contemplated on returning home to get your sweater, but you were dying of curiosity to know who was the person making such sweet gestures. You raked your brain for any memories, but because you were usually alone, and ignorant of your surroundings, you failed at deducing the perpetrator.

You heard footsteps, and the gates opened. A guard. The old man looked down at you and shrugged before heading back inside. You checked your phone. It was 6:30 am. Classes would start at 8, so you still had an hour and a half to wait for the student. Half an hour passed and students slowly began showing up to school, most of them were girls. You usually arrived at 7:30, so the student would have to arrive before that time, but none of the students who passed you by was carrying a flower or even spared you a glance, so you sighed and decided to give in. It was almost 7:30 anyways.

To your surprise, when you entered the classroom, a flower was already there in your desk. You were pissed and irritated at yourself. You sighed and placed your bag down as you sat in your desk. You picked up the flower and noticed it was a yellow tulip. A student entered the classroom, the girl who was your seat mate. Upon noticing the flower, her eyes immediately began to sparkle. "Oh! A yellow tulip!" She exclaimed, pointing to the flower with excitement. You raised a brow. "Yeah, so?" You asked. She sighed happily and pulled her chair to your desk. "Because," she sighed dramatically. "Yellow tulips mean that the person giving it to you is helplessly in love with you!" You were taken back.

"Huh?! With someone like me?!" You yelled in surprise. The girl nodded her head. "So, do you know who gave it to you?!" She asked, nearing her face to yours. You could see just how much her eyes were sparkling. You pressed your lips together and hurriedly shook your head no. She whined. "Aww. Well, in any case, I'm F/N, nice to meet you!" She happily introduced herself, holding out her hand. You smiled and shook it. "Y/N, and, likewise." She smiled, but her face dropped into curiosity as she peeked below your desk. "There's a note!!" She pointed out. You let go of her hand and grabbed the paper stuck beneath the table.

"I wish I could be by your side."

The girl excitedly squeals as you read the note out loud. Your face turned red. You flipped the paper around to see if there was a name or clue as to who this person was.

Tulip head.

Was all that it said. Your new friend gasped in shock. She began to squeal loudly again as she tightened her gripped fist. "That's so romantic of him to do!!" She exclaims. You raised a brow. "What? Who??" Your confusion seemed to only get worse as F/N was now swaying her body left to right. "Tulip head, only one person in school has that nickname!" She exclaims excitedly. "Who??" You grabbed her shoulder with your free hand and she stopped moving, her eyes were visibly teary. "Nagumo Haruya."

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

Nagumo sat on a bench beneath the shade of a giant tree. He was staring up at the sky, just blankly staring as his brain was ridiculously filled with images of your pretty face. All of a sudden, something, or rather, someone's face came into view. It was a little dark so he didn't know who the person was. "Hey." The person said. 'A girl? Yeah, definitely.' Nagumo blinked, and something pink met his eyes. He was shocked enough to sit straight back up, but his movements were too quick so he ended up hitting the girl in the head. When he looked back, every bone, every nerve, every cell, on his body was shocked at the sight of you just standing there while rubbing your forehead, pouting cutely.

Nagumo felt like he would die with how fast his heart was beating. 'Oh lord, I want to die.' He thought while sweating buckets. You put down your hand and raised a brow at his awestruck face. You neared your face to his, curious as to what was wrong. "Hey, need any help or something?" You asked. Nagumo couldn't think of anything else except how close your face was to his.

"Helplessly in love, huh." You gently placed a flower on his lap and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "See you around." Before Nagumo even knew what was happening, you had already disappeared from sight. He looked down, and there, sitting on his lap, was a pink rose.


‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

          uhm, yeah, that was... cute?

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