mark x chou, 💜

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Chou loved date nights. Well, she just loved being with her boyfriend, Mark Kruger, in general. She loved how he would pour all of his effort into making her Friday nights special, and tonight, was simply one of those nights. Chou dressed up in casual clothing, a sleeveless black t shirt, and some black and white striped pants, with a pair of black boots to finish the look. As per usual, Mark picked her up in the Misaki household. As Chou descended the stairs, she noticed the loud voices coming from downstairs. When she looked, she simply rolled her eyes at the sight. Renko and Ranko were arguing... again, while Rinko watched from the sidelines, smirking with her phone out and recording the scene. As soon as Rinko noticed her, she gave the girl a small wave.

Chou tried her best to pass by without getting the two's attention, but it was practically impossible with Renko and his ultra sharp instincts when it came to Chou. "CHOU!! MY LITTLE SISTER CHOU!! DON'T LEAVE YOUR BIG BROTHER, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE MEEE!!" He cried, glomping her into a hug. Chou furrowed her brows as she blushed. For years, Ren has been so clingy and affectionate, although his sister's had it worse, and yet she never got used to it. Ren nuzzled his nose in her hair as he cried even louder than before. Scowling, Ranko rolled up her sleeves, and from the corner of her eye, Chou could see Rinko's smirk turn into a wide and excited smile.

Ranko grabbed her younger brother by the ear and pulled him away from a blushing Chou. "Ren! Stop being so miserable and clingy. Just let her go already! You can't expect a baby bird to stay in the nest forever!" Ranko angrily scolded. Rinko on the other hand, seemed saddened, due to the fact that no fight broke out between her siblings. She pocketed her phone and approached the trio. "C'mere Ren, your big sister won't ever leave you." Smiling, Rinko cooed and opened her arms to invite her younger brother. Renko jumped into her arms almost immediately, crying onto her chest. Ranko rolled her eyes and crossed her arms above her chest. "Just go, little girl. How many times have you and Mark gone on a date? I swear, I will disown you if you come back home a virgin... still." Chou's face seemed to explode in various shades of red upon hearing Ran's words. "Wha- hey!!"

Before Chou could say anymore, the doorbell rung. "Go get it little girl~" Rinko teased, as she laughed at the end. Ranko gave her an encouraging, lopsided smile, while Renko continued crying in Rinko's arms. Chou headed towards the door, and just before she was about to open it, she turned to look back at her brother and sisters. They all smiled at her, and Chou took their encouragement and opened the doors. As expected, Mark was standing there at the door, wearing simple and casual clothing. Mark looked her in the eye and he seemed to be paralyzed for a few moments as he stared at her face. "Idiot, stop staring at me with your googly eyes!" Chou embarrassingly yelled towards her boyfriend. Flustered by how stupid he acted in front of his girlfriend, Mark quickly recomposed himself. He gently took the youngest Misaki's hands into his own before pressing a soft kiss on the back of her hands.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself with how beautiful you looked." Mark stared deep into Chou's amethyst eyes. Chou was naturally strong, stubborn, and usually pretty confident about everything, but when it came to Mark, she was reduced to a pile of mush, her legs feeling like jelly, and the butterflies in her stomach acting up. "Hey, get outta here before I throw up in my mouth! Sick lovebirds." Ranko yelled from inside as she and her other two halves were about to head to the kitchen, probably to get Renko some comfort food. "Shut up already, you jerkface!" Chou scowled back at her older sister, but Ranko didn't seem to take her seriously as she just grinned. "Just go! For all that is sane and pure, Just go!! You'll all just leave anyway... Rin~ promise me you won't leave me!!" Again, Renko cried to his oldest sister, who simply smiled as she comforted him.

Mark smiled and shook his head. He knew how much the triplets were overprotective of Chou, much to her dismay, and he was glad that they were so accepting and encouraging of their relationship. Most of the at least. When Chou closed the door behind her, she sighed and looked at Mark. "I'm so sorry about them, they can be idiots, y'know?" Chou apologized sheepishly, but Mark merely gave her a smile as he offered her his arm. "It's alright. But now, shall we go, my princess?" Chou blushed, but she accepted his offer anyway, without another word leaving her lips, as Mark lead them both to his car.

"So where are we going?" Chou asked as she put on her seatbelt. Mark did the same. "Oh, nothing special really. I'm taking you to the movies to see if one movie you wanted to watch." Mark smiled as he began driving ahead. "Huh? Oh, you mean The Nun? But I thought you hated scary movies?" Chou raised a brow at the blonde. Mark chuckled. "I'll be watching with you, so I think I'll be fine." This made Chou only more suspicious as she hummed. Mark sweated nervously. He hated to admit it, but an upset or suspicious Chou was more scarier than any horror movie.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

Mark hated horror movies, he knew that. But he loved his girlfriend as well, and he somehow thought that watching a horror movie with her would make her happy. Well, for starters, Mark's entire was body was so tense, you could mistake him for a very realistic statue. And it wasn't even the beginning of the movie yet! But as the movie continued on, Mark began to get more and more scared, his shrieks of horror completely overwhelmed the other's who had screamed as well at the jumpscares. Chou was supposed to be having fun, she loved horror movies, but seeing Mark terrified out of his soul made an uncomfortable feeling settle onto the pit of her stomach.

Soon enough, another jumpscare popped out, and instead of screaming like before, Mark quickly grabbed onto the nearest thing be could hold onto, before hiding his face from the screen. It just so happens that he grabbed Chou's arm, and he hid behind her shoulder. Looking at them both from a complete stranger's view would probably make them think, "Who the hell is the one wearing the pants in that relationship?"

Well, to be honest, it could be either of them depending on the situation. But that doesn't matter now, Chou's face was bright red and practically glowing as Mark buried his face deeper onto Chou's arm. The darkness in the movie room made it hard for anyone to notice the flustered expression on Chou's face. Still, being the good girlfriend that she was, she tried to comfort Mark. "Mark, come on now, it isn't so bad." She cooed, but Mark obviously wasn't buying it. He still had his face covered. Sighing, Chou decided to leave him like that for the rest of the movie. She found it cute how he would just cling to her, or hide himself behind her. Usually it was her who was doing it, but now Chou understands how Mark feels everytime she uses him as a meat shield.

When the movie was finally over and the credits were rolling, Chou told Mark it was okay to look. "Come on Mark, we're the last ones left in here. Let's go home already." Chou tried standing up, but Mark was holding her arm with a death grip. He shook his head and her, his eyes watering and his lips trembling. "This dumbass.." she gritted her teeth. "Why the hell did you decide on watching a horror movie if you're so scared and uncomfortable of it in the first place?!" Chou yelled out of pure frustration. She didn't know why Mark went through all that trouble. "I was doing it to make you happy!" Mark argued back. By now, they were the on ones left in the room, the lights were on and the credits were still rolling in the background. "Haah?! For me?!" As if Chou wasn't angry enough, Mark's words not only angered her, but it also hurt her.

"But I-" before Mark could even begin ranting, or listing out his reasons, he was swiftly cut off by Chou, who pressed her lips against his. It was short, but it was enough for Mark to understand why Chou was so upset. "Just shut up. You think I'll be happy when you're right there, suffering?" The dark haired girl seethed. She looked away and crossed her arms above her chest and huffed. Mark was surprised, he knew that Chou had a soft spot for him, but he certainly wasn't expecting her to just outright say it. Her words Incited butterflies from the bottom of Mark's stomach, and it made him feel all giddy. All the terrible experienced he had with the movie vanished in a snap as Mark hurriedly embraced his girlfriend. Chou screeched in surprise, but she realizing it was only Mark, she quickly melted onto the embrace.


‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

          so i got a little freaky with the last one
          shot, so i tried to make it up with
          something cute that involved me and
          my familia.

     the way you wrote me
     was outrageous.
     first of all, i would never
     yell at mark!

tbh, you yell at everyone    
so it's kinda hard to belive you    


'tis what i thought    

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