kira hiroto, 3 am

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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

Y/N woke up to the sound of her phone ringing excessively on her bedside table. She groaned and grabbed it, her eyelids heavy as she unplugged it from the charger. The ringing stopped just as she laid on her back and pressed the power button, nearly screeching as the brightness of her screen blinded her. She quickly lowered the brightness through the bright, twinkling stars that spotted her vision. After recovering, she saw one missed call, it was from her boyfriend, Kira Hiroto. She saw that there were numerous unread messages as well. In a nutshell, all his messages were basically, "I can't sleep." Y/N's eyebrow twitched.

She contemplated on whether or not she should call back, but a sudden ring and vibration from her hand cut her off. Hiroto was calling her again. Sighing, she answered it. "Hello?" She uttered, her voice slightly raspy, having only been awake a few minutes ago. Y/N rubbed her eyes as she heard a sigh of relief from the other end. "Hiroto, baby, you better have a good reason for waking me up in the witching hour." She heard a laugh from her boyfriend, and she grumbled. "Sorry, sorry, I just couldn't sleep, and I wanted to hear your voice." Y/N paused before looking at her clock. 3:03 a.m. Her eyes found it's way to the darkness of the ceiling and she began to immerse herself in her thoughts, probably thinking about how to entertain her needy and bratty boyfriend.

The two have been a couple for half a year already, after Hiroto asked her out at the end of one of his games. Y/N couldn't refuse his request at dating, how could she? Deep in her heart, she knew she loved the narcissistic prick more than she actually let on. Those six months of being a couple with Hiroto was the best six months of her entire life, but then, the pandemic came, and they were unable to see each other. The virus was spreading like wildfire, and fearing for their health, they both agreed to stay at home and just follow government orders until everything settled.

"Babe, are you listening? Y/N? Hello?" Y/N snapped out of her little train of thought, and she sheepishly apologised. This was a habit of hers, drowning herself in her thoughts as she stared up at the darkness of her ceiling at night, with only a few spots of light coming from the streetlamps seeping through her curtains. "Did you say something?" Y/N asked. "Yeah, I kind of did." Hiroto grumbled and Y/N chuckled. "Yeah, yeah, sorry. I'm listening now."  She couldn't see him, but Y/N knew that the God striker was pouting on the other end. "I'm going back to bed if you don't reply within the next five seconds."

"Hey!" Y/N smiled as she huffed. "Alright, why don't we play 20 questions until you fall asleep?" She suggested as she moved to sit up properly on her bed. "Hm, it's fine, I guess." Y/N smirked as she pulled her phone away for a second. She opened her notes app, where there 20 questions written on it. Y/N's been waiting for the day when she could finally ask her boyfriend these questions, without appearing to be weird. Hiroto was the type of boyfriend's who liked to show off, to spoil her with everything and anything, whether she wanted it or not. Yet at the same time, he doesn't exactly give off any "chill boyfriend" vibes, and as stupid as it might sound, Y/N was worried that Hiroto could never find it in himself to just chill out.

But still, Y/N was grateful for the moment she was given. "Alright, so question 1, what superpower do you wish you had?" She asked before pressing the phone to her ear again. "Hmm, well, I'm already a God so..." Y/N raised a brow. Hiroto from the other end, couldn't see her, but he just knew that his girlfriend had the look in her face, the one where she had her arms crossed, her lips pressed into a thin line, and an eyebrow raised. "Well, if you really want to know, I think I want the power to control time, so I could rewind time and keep reliving the moments I spend with you." Hiroto smirked proudly. 'How's that huh, Y/N?' He huffed proudly through his nose.

"Aww, That's a nice thought, Hiro." Hiroto scowled. He should've known, he should've known that Y/N L/N wasn't the type of girl who would give in to just a few sweet words. Hiroto huffed. "Alright, It's my turn to ask you a question." Hiroto stayed so for a while as he began to think. Y/N waited patiently on the other line. "What is one thing you like about your family?" He asked after a few moments. He heard a hum on the other end. "Probably, the fact that they respect my space, and that they support me in what I want to do. Also because they really like making fun of you." Y/N giggled, making Hiroto yell, "Hey!" Before grumbling to himself.

"Alright, what do you usually spend your money on?" She asked. "You." Y/N let out a sharp gasp, before jokingly calling him out on his answer. "What? You're the only person worth spending my money on." He replied. "You mean your father's money?" Y/N shot back, which made Hiroto tense up. "N-no!" Y/N could only chuckled at his answer. "I was joking. Calm down."

An hour seemed to pass, it was already around 4:30 a.m, when Y/N was beginning to feel drowsy. They already finished fifteen questions each, but she was getting sleepy. She was about to tell Hiroto to go to sleep, when he cut her off, saying, "It's this early already?! Gosh, we stayed up for a while huh?" He chuckled, but tiredness was evident in his voice. Y/N's eyelids were beginning to get heavy as she yawned. "I think I wanna go sleep now." She said, yawning for the second time. "You're right, you're right. I'll let you-" Hiroto was surprised when he was cut off with an abrupt snore. He blinked a couple times before smiling. "Thanks for staying up with me, Y/N." He mumbled under his breath before hanging up.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

          that was kinda rushed. i originally
          planned on literally making 20 
          questions and 20 answers each, but i
          got lazy 😴 chille, so hope ya'll
          enjoyed~ adieeuuu~♡♡

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