kidou x endou, alcohol

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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

( takes place during
the go series, also,
endou and natsumi are
NOT married, cuz this
is my story teehee. )


I sighed as I walked down the streets of Inazuma Town. I just resigned as Raimon's coach an hour ago, and the hurt look on the player's faces made me want to stop and tell them it was all a joke, but I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to do that, not when I had an important job right now.

What about Kidou? I wonder how he felt? He's Raimon's coach now, I'm sure he must be pretty mad right now, especially since I just left without telling him much. Sighing once more, I slipped into a local bar, not feeling like going home yet. I sat at a stool and ordered some alcohol. The bartender gave me a cup, and I heard him chuckle, wait, he? I looked up and my eyes met the twinkling blue orbs of a familiar Misaki.

"Hey Endou." She leaned over the counter, her face slightly close to mine, and a grin was a present on her face. I looked down and stared at my drink. "Was it Kidou?" I heard her ask. I nodded my head weakly before carefully taking a sip. "Hey, aren't you weak against alcohol or something? Your mom isn't gonna be happy knowing you've been drinking." I snorted as I pushed the cup back to Rinko. She smiled as she took it. "One more. And besides, aren't you the one giving me the alcohol?" She passed me another cup.

"Yeah, but I'm working right now. I'm Bartender Rinko, not Your Old Friend Rinko. Know the difference my friend." Smiling sadly, I chugged the cup's contents down my throat before proceeding to order another one. "Can I have one too?" Knitting my eyebrows, I turned my head and my eyes widened. Sitting there beside me was none other than Kidou, a smug grin on his face. Rinko's smile seems to have widened as she passed the both of us a glass of alcohol.

"Hey Endou." I hummed in reply as I picked up the cup and started twirling it around. "Endou." Rinko warned as she wiped the glass cup she was holding. Sighing, I stopped and placed the cup down and rested my head on my folded arms. "Endou." Kidou spoke, sipping on his cup of alcohol. Humming once more, I felt Kidou harshly slap me on the back. "Ouch! What was that for?!" I questioned him angrily, already feeling the pain seeping through my back. Chuckling, Kidou brought the tip of the glass cup to his lips. "Nothing, you just looked really bummed out." I sighed. Gosh, how many times have I sighed today?

"Hey Kidou..." I heard him hum in acknowledgment before asking for refill. "I'm sorry I had to leave the team just like that." Kidou's lips twisted into a frown before he sipped on his cup. "That's fine..." He sounded alright, but I knew otherwise, this is my bestfriend we're talking about after all. "God Kidou, your like the John Laurens to Endou." Rolling my eyes, I ordered for a refill as Rinko happily teased us, Kidou not minding her at all. This was just how the night proceeded, me talking, and then Rinko making a teasing comment with Kidou providing his own thoughts every now and then.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵


Soon enough, the moon had slowly started drowning in the night sky, the bright stars replacing it instead, and Endou and I left the bar, his arm slung over my shoulders as I supported him. "Should I bring you back to your house?" I asked him. "Hnnn... Noooo.." He slurred, wrapping his other arm around my waist and bringing me even closer to him. I could feel his hot breath fanning over my neck, a dark red blush on his cheeks, his eyes were half lidded and I could see a swirl of emotions behind those warm brown hues.

"Kidou... Can I stay at... Your place tonight...?" I looked down at Endou who still had his arms around me. 'He looks... Hot.' Shaking my head, I hurriedly rid my head of these thoughts as I felt my face heat up, the lower area of my body becoming hot and bothered. I walked to my house, practically dragging Endou there. I had some difficulty with unlocking the door since Endou was practically clinging to me, but I did it regardless. I threw him on the couch as soon as we went inside.

Sighing in relief, I proceeded to head up to my room, but a hand on my wrist stopped me from doing so. "Endou...?" I whispered. He pulled me down so I was resting against his chest. "Endou..!" I felt him tug at my goggles, "What the-?!" Feeling irritated, I tried to pull away, but his grip kept me still. He continued staring at me until I gently slapped his face. "Oowwww..." He whined. Smiling softly, I tried to pull away again, but his hold on me only tightened. "Staaay.." I sighed.

'Careful of the beast you bring home Kidou, Haha!'

I sighed as I remembered Rinko's reminder from earlier. I stared into Endou's eyes, and unsurprisingly, he was staring back at me. Suddenly, he was leaning in, his eyes now closed, I don't know why, but at that time, I too, felt like leaning in. Then I felt it, the soft feeling of another pair of lips on my own. It felt good, yet it felt so wrong at the same time. But, still I kissed back.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

          the original storyline had endou
          cheating on natsumi, and my heart
          couldn't take it so i changed it up. i was
          possessed by something evil that day.

05 / 25 / 19

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