nosaka, aisheteru

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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

( this took so long,
i can't with myself- )

Nosaka finally completed his brain surgery, all he needed now was some rest, and he was good to go. He didn't have anyone to visit him, only the doctor and the nurses would come to check up on him every now and then. One day, Nosaka was taking a breath of fresh air out on the courtyard. A few patients dotted the area, some accompanied by nurses, and some were just lazing around on their own. Then there was you. The thing that stood out to Nosaka was that you were wearing a patient's dress. You were sitting alone in a bench near some flower bushes, and in your hands, you held a flower wreath that consisted of one of every flower in the flower bush behind the bench.

A light breeze flew by, carrying a small pigeon to you, who lifted a finger for the bird to perch upon. You giggled softly as the bird chirped a happy little tune while it remained perched upon your index finger. Nosaka felt his heart warm up at the sight of you. You looked so peaceful and happy, yet the smile on your lips showed nothing but loneliness. Nosaka stood up and walked towards you. He didn't know what possessed him to approach you, but it was too late now, as the bird had already flown away and you were now staring up at him as his shadow casted over you. Nosaka smiled softly as to not agitate you.

"May I sit here?" He asked politely. You smiled and scooted over, patting the empty space beside you. Nosaka sat down and almost immediately, he felt an awkward silence envelop the both of you. Although you didn't appear to be bothered as you were too invested in weaving flowers together to make a flower crown. You noticed Nosaka staring at the flower crown, and his eyes showed that he was clearly in deep thought.

"What brings you here?" You asked. Nosaka noted how you spoke to him in English. He processed your words for a little while, as he was not accustomed to the English language just yet. "Operation." He replied, his words laced in his Japanese accent. You giggled, finding his accent cute. "Operation? Where?" You continued speaking to him in English. He pointed to his brain. "Tumor." He spoke simply. Your brows immediately furrowed as a worried look overtook your features. "Brain tumor?" You gasped. He nodded in reply. "But I'm all better now!" He explained in defense. Silence enveloped you both again.

"What is... your name?" He asked, taking another shot at getting to know you. "Y/N. You?" You replied, keeping most of your attention on the flower crown you were weaving to hide your growing concern. "Yuuma." You nodded. Nosaka continued to watch as you effortlessly and beautifully wove together flowers of different kind, and he continued watching until the sun was beginning to set. For some reason, watching you weave flowers calmed him, and it brought a sense of peace to wash over his mind. "Nosaka!" The red haired boy turned around. The nurse that was in charge of him walked out the doors, calling him over. You glanced at the nurse and Nosaka looked over at her. "I'll see you around." Nosaka stood up and waved at you. "I enjoyed our time together." He added, a soft smile on his lips. He turned around and was about to head back inside, until you called his name. "Yuma!" You exclaimed.

He paused in his steps and turned around. You stood in front of him, although you were a little shorter, you clutched the flower crown in one hand while the other shyly twirled a strand of your H/C hair between your index finger and thumb. "Y/N?" He asked, getting worried over the fact that your face was starting to get red. "Yuuma! Bend down a little and close your eyes." Nosaka raised a brow but but did so anyways. He felt something get placed on top of his head. He opened his eyes and felt his head. The flower crown you were weaving together for hours on end was now resting on top of his head. He was surprised.

"I-I'll see you tomorrow!"

And that was where your relationship began to blossom. You quickly became friends, with you teaching Nosaka how to weave flower crowns, arrange flowers, and the meaning of flowers. This continued on for a week or so. You would meet up everyday after Nosaka's treatment was over, and then, you would spend time together, just talking. Right now was one of those times. "Y/N, you never told me why you're here." While spending his time with the native English speaker, Nosaka also got used to speaking English. His grammar was a little wonky, but his accent was getting smoother, and the sound of hearing his smooth voice was enough for your heart to skip a beat. Still, Nosaka's question remained in the air.

'Should I tell him?' You looked down as you subconsciously began to play with your thumbs. You closed your eyes and frowned deeply. Nosaka began to notice your sudden change in mood, so he tried lifting the atmosphere again by changing the subject. "W-well, when are you getting discharged? Do you know?" Well, I never said he was good at directing people's focus elsewhere. You shook your head and Nosaka frowned. The both of you spent the rest of your time together like that before once again, the sun began to set and Nosaka had to head back inside.

He waved goodbye at you and you did the same. You were smiling, but the smile on your face showed not happiness, but sadness, with a twinge of loneliness. Nosaka turned around, but he paused in his steps as he felt his legs begin to tremble. Gritting his teeth, Nosaka rushed back outside, "Y/N!" He called, running back to you. He stood in front of you, his figure blocking the view you had of the sunset. He kneeled down, and grabbed both your hands. "Y/N..." he leaned his forehead against your knee. His mind was now racing with a million thoughts, and his heart was beating faster than he's ever experienced when he was playing soccer. "I-I'm leaving tomorrow." He whispered. Your eyes widened, but you remained silent, waiting for the red head's next words.

He looked back up at you, his eyes glossy with tears. "I might never get a chance to see you again!" He exclaimed. The words he so desperately wanted you to hear was now stuck on his throat. He gulped, and opened his mouth to try again. "A- Aishiteru.." Nosaka hung his head low. Instead of directly confessing to you, he took a last minute detour and chose to confess in a language you didn't understand.

Or so he thought.

He felt something soft press against his forehead, and he looked up in surprise. He felt your hands gently cup his cheeks, while your thumbs were massaging just below his eyes. You smiled brightly. "Kisushite." Nosaka was absolutely astonished, but his body instinctively obeyed your request. He craned his head upwards and captured your lips in one swift motion.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

"So you do know Japanese." Nosaka exclaimed. "No, just a few words. I simply learned the important ones." You smirked at him as your hold on his hand tightened while Nosaka's thumb was gently tracing circles behind your hand. "So you consider, I love you and Kiss me, as important Japanese words?" He asked, clearly not getting your point. "Yes." You dramatically breathed out. "If the person you like is a foreigner, you'd want to learn how to confess to them using their native tongue, right?" Nosaka was dumbfounded at your mentality regarding love, yet he found it cute.

He chuckled before pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Whatever you say, dummy."

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

          i am so sorry this took too long 😢
          istg, some of the requests just get lost
          in the wind 🌬 i can't even-
         chille, i hope y'all enjoyed, cuz uh, i'm
          writing them eyes blue like the atlantic

          yes, i will focus on those specials first,
          so requests after this will be coming at
          a later date.
          just after

          chille, y'all stay safe, drink your water,
          love and respect yourself, get rid of that
          negativity or sugamama will karate
          chop your ass and uh, yeah.

03 / 04 / 21

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