mark, broken hearts

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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

"Hey.. Sorry, but we're really not meant for each other."



"No... Wait! WAIT!!"

Gasping, my eyes snapped open. It's that same nightmare, over and over again. I sat up and checked my phone.

10:34 p.m

It wasn't that late. My eyebrows creased as a new message appeared from the top of my phone's screen. It was from Chou. Sighing, I decided to read it as I got out of bed.

Chou the hoe💦

:: 10:35 p.m

You up??
:: 10:35 p.m

Well, I am now
10:36 p.m ::

Oh thank God
:: 10:36 p.m

I thought you were like
:: 10:36 p.m

Dead or smthn
:: 10:37 p.m

I stared at the screen as I contemplated on whether I should reply or not. I looked up and I saw my wall in front of me. The same wall that was filled to the brim with pictures of me and him. I stared at the wall for a while, before I brought a hand up and decided to rip off all the stupid and annoying pictures. Now that I could take a better look, I noticed that on all of the pictures I have of him, his smile was forced.

Exhaling sharply, I threw my phone and it landed on my bed, before I continued ripping the pictures apart. With each and every rip, I could remember all of the past memories I shared with him. Was I really just another toy for him to play with? Was I really that worthless? My gaze snapped back to my phone that was ringing like crazy on my bed. I trudged towards my bed and checked the caller. It was Chou. I thought twice before pressing the green answer button.

"Hey Y/N, how ya doin'?" I smiled softly, silently thanking the gods that someone still genuinely cared about me. "I'm fine. Why'd you call?" I replied. I heard some shouting in the background and I giggled. I heard Chou grumble, "Hey! You're not supposed to be laughing at me, Y/N!" She whined. I looked outside through my open windows and I breathed a sigh of relief at the fresh air I was getting. "Anyways, my big bro's hosting a party tomorrow, you should totally come. Who knows, you might meet someone new." I gave a slight giggle at her teasing attempts. "Sure, why not?" I gave a smile as I heard her excitedly squeal in the background. "Holy crap guys! She's coming!!" I decided to hang up as soon as I heard her screeching like a pterodactyl. Oh wait I forgot to ask what time I should be going.

Shrugging, I turned to look back at the mess I made. All of the ripped photos were lying on the ground creating a mess. Sighing, I decided to leave that there so I could just clean it tomorrow. I drifted off to a dreamless sleep that night, not at all thinking about my ex-boyfriend.

The next day came by quickly, and Chou's older sister, Ranko, had picked me up, though she was in a bad mood so I made no attempts in making a conversation with her. As soon as we arrived, I scurried away from the temperamental Misaki, hoping to get away from her as far as I could. But in the midst of my escape, I bumped into something soft yet sturdy. A wall? Nope. "S-Sorry!" I yelped, looking up to see who I bumped into. Surprisingly, it was Mark Kruger, Chou's ex-boyfriend. "U-Uhm... Sorry, Bye!" I quickly ran away, not even looking back when I heard him call for me.

I found Chou a midst the crowd of people, she was smiling, a glass of wine on her hand. "Oh, hey Y/N!" She cheered happily as she beckoned me over. I hurried to her side before dragging her away. "Hey! What was that?!" She yelled dramatically. "Did you know that your ex is here?" I asked her. She looked at me in disbelief, one brow raised. "Honey, if you want him, then go for it. Besides, we're on good terms. We just didn't work out." My face flushed at her words. "Wait, so you like him?" She asked. I turned my head away so I could avoid her gaze, but she tightly gripped my wrist and forced me to look at her. "There's nothing wrong with you dating him. He's not mine, and I'm definitely not his. And besides, you used to like him, and this is my fault, So..." Her grip loosened and she held my hand instead, placing the cup of wine down on a nearby counter.

"Come on." She laughed before dragging me away. "Wait-! Chou!" I tried to pull away, but she was way stronger than me. "Hey Mark! How are 'ya?" She happily greeted the blonde American before high- fiving him. "Oh, hey Chou! Hey, you're the girl from earlier, I was going to say sorry but you just ran away." He laughed while rubbing his neck nervously. I saw Chou smirk before pushing me so I was in front of him. "Ah!" I yelped, my chest accidentally bumping into his. "Chou!" Laughing, she pushed us into a nearby room and locked us in. "Ugh, I'm really sorry about that." I groaned as I rubbed my wrist that was sore from Chou's grip earlier. I saw Mark sit over at the bed, lightly jumping on it before laying down. He laughed slightly. "It's Chou's bed." He said while giggling like a little schoolgirl. I blushed as I reluctantly sat at the beanbag over at the shelf. "Do you still like her?" I quickly covered my mouth at my sudden question. He was quiet for a while before he moved to lay on his side as he faced me.

"Yeah..." I looked down and gripped the hems of my hoodie as I bit back the tears. I wasn't in love with him anymore, so why does it still hurt?

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

          so like.. who the fuck was the mc's ex
          boyfriend?! was it mark?! oh nvm,
          heehee sorry, lost my one brain cell for
          a moment there

05 / 31 / 19

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