Chapter 20

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Germany P.O.V

I sat at my desk in my room, cheek resting on my fist. We were planning a simple party so there wasn't that much of a need for all of us to help with the preparation.

Aside from Poland and Ukraine, all we have to do now is decide on what we want to make for Russia.

I drummed my fingers on the desk as I pondered. What would Russia appreciate? I know we agreed that anything handmade would be fine, but the gift still needed to have some kind of meaning behind it. It wouldn't be right if I just randomly made something without thinking.

That's right, I need to think. What does Russia like and what is he like?

I've known him for the past five years, but that question isn't one that I readily know the answer to. Russia rarely talked about himself and his interests even when he was asked.

It takes a while for him to open up to others. That's why it came as such a surprise to me when I heard he became friends with America of all people.

Russia, although he was reserved and quiet most of the time, was one of the few people who didn't brush America off as some idiotic narcissist.

Russia probably realised he and America were the same after America kept pestering him about wanting to be friends. Both of them had few people they could show their fragile side to which was what lead them to become so close.

Russia seemed like a distant, unsociable person to those who didn't know him. Many thought he preferred having his head in the clouds than facing reality. On the contrast, he's a sentimental and complex person. He finds beauty and meaning even in the simplest of things.

His views are sometimes hard to understand, but once you put yourself in his shoes, you'll find yourself in an entirely new perspective.

That thought made me recall something interesting that happened two years ago. It was Christmas Eve, America had invited me and Russia for some last minute gift shopping.

I hadn't meant to wait until the day before Christmas to buy presents, but my teachers gave so much holiday homework that I honestly couldn't find the time. Me and America walked all around the gift store, looking at all the different gifts we could buy.

Russia, on the other hand, stayed in one spot. I thought he would go look at the other things sold in the store afterwards. But every time I came back after walking another round around the store, he would still be there.

Eventually, my curiosity got the better of me and I approached him. What could he have been staring at that was able to capture his attention for a full fifteen minutes?

It was a snow globe.

This perplexed me. There was nothing significant about the snow globe, it was just like every other one you see during Christmas. It had a girl figurine wearing a lavender jacket inside of it that was smiling and looking up.

I watched in confusion as he shook the globe over and over again, watching as the fake snow flew up and back down in a continuous cycle.

It was just an ordinary snow globe, why was he so mesmerised by it?

"Hey." I called out to him, but he was too engrossed in the snow globe to notice me.

"Hey." I repeated but louder this time.

Russia jumped in surprise and turned his head around swiftly, relaxing after seeing it was just me. "Oh, hey."

"Why have you been staring at that snow globe for the last fifteen minutes? There's nothing special about it." I asked curiously.

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