Chapter 8

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Third P.O.V

It was the next day. America had a vague goal in his mind, he wasn't sure how to exactly go about it.

His aim was to make Russia suffer for breaking up with him.

He wasn't doing this to get Russia back, not anymore. Now, all he wants is for Russia to feel at least some form of hurt for leaving him.

It would be easier for America if underneath that calm exterior, Russia was all fucked up too.

Deep down, he knew it was selfish, but it was true.

America was walking to school alone. Like yesterday, he didn't wait for Canada or acknowledge his existence. He pushed his brother away just like everyone else who wanted to help him.

It seemed his emotions controlled him far more than he controlled them.

When America reached school, he slammed his locker door open and snatched up whatever he needed. His resentful demeanor hadn't subsided from the day before, causing those around him to keep their distance.

While walking to his first class, he saw Russia walking somewhere in front of him within the crowd.

America felt his hate build up inside him just by looking at his ex. He was the cause of all this pain, so it's only fair if he's suffering as much as America.

America weaved his way through the crowd until he was behind Russia. He roughly bumped into Russia, causing Russia to drop some of his books.

America then walked away quickly, like he didn't even notice. He wasn't going to apologise for something Russia deserved. It felt satisfying, to take the anger out on the source.

But of course, it wasn't nearly enough.

Later, when America and Russia shared a class together, America purposely kicked Russia's table so it would be facing more towards the side and Russia would have to realign it.

All these minor inconveniences helped America feel just a tiny bit better.

Throughout the rest of the day, that was what he did.

As the week progressed, his actions went from small annoyances to all out breaking Russia's stuff.

When no one was watching him, he would grab something that belonged to Russia, such as a pen, and dismantle it. He would throw away a part of the item so it wouldn't work anymore before discreetly placing it back.

It certainly made Russia's life more difficult. However, he didn't seem to be bothered much by it, which only enraged America even more.

America didn't care if what he was doing was right or wrong. He just wanted the pain to go away. He wanted to know he wasn't worthless.

Although America's main target was Russia, that doesn't mean his ex was the only one.

He also focused his ire at Belarus. He did the same things to her that he did to Russia.

In America's mind, Belarus was just as bad as Russia. If she had never existed, his relationship would not have fallen apart.

He probably would've continued his fruitless endeavour if someone hadn't intervened.

It was exactly two weeks after America first started this entire 'revenge' plan. At the end of the school day, as America walked out of the school, he felt someone tap on his shoulder.


"Poland? What do you want?" America asked, annoyed.

"I... Just come with me."

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