Chapter 5

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Third P.O.V

America woke up with more energy than he had ever felt before in his life. Could you really blame him? He had gotten back together with his ex he so dearly missed.

I mean, at least he thought he did.

It was still quite early, so Russia would either still be asleep or just getting ready. America hastily got dressed and skipped all the way to Russia's house, a broad smile plastered on his face. Seeing that, you couldn't help but sigh. Someone should tell him not to have so much hope.

The greater the hope you have, the greater the disappointment that will fall upon you.

People stared at him as he skipped. He was acting like a child with that idiotic grin. America paid them no attention for Russia was the only person on his mind. As long as he was together with him, nothing else mattered.

America knocked on the door quickly, his smile brighter than ever before. Russia was the one who opened the door, surprised that America got up so early in the morning. When they were dating, America only woke up at around 11am or 12pm.

"Hey Rus!" America greeted with much enthusiasm.

"Good morning, Ame..." Russia returned the greeting with nothing but uneasiness.

Despite Russia's obvious discomfort, America was too caught up in his own happiness to take notice of it. He grabbed Russia's wrist, "Let's hang out together!"

And without waiting for a refusal, he pulled Russia along with him.

It had been a little more than two months since the pair had even interacted with each other. The only thing America wanted right now was to spend some time with Russia. He didn't care where, as long as it was with his lover.

Russia did not expect America to just drag him out of his own house like that. He knew it had been a while, but seriously? Wasn't this a bit over the top?

A thought popped up in Russia's head, but he quickly shook it off. Now wasn't the time for that. He had to tell America to accept the truth and leave him alone.

Although, at the high speed at which America was sprinting, it was hard for Russia to speak. Maybe he could talk when they stopped.

Neither America nor Russia had breakfast, so America thought why not head to the café Russia goes to everyday? It would bring back some memories too.

America led Russia into the café and to an empty seat where he somewhat forcibly sat him down.

"What do you wanna eat?" America asked merrily, his big smile never once leaving his face.

"America, please, we need to-"

"Answer the question, Rus." America interrupted, but not angrily though. He still sounded light-hearted. Perhaps, he was unknowingly avoiding the topic Russia so desperately wanted to bring up.

Russia knew better than anyone that America wouldn't let him change the topic and thus decided to play along. He could find another opportunity later.

He shrugged, "Just a sandwich and some coffee. Any kind is fine."

"Okay!" America replied and like a child running his first errand, he dashed to order their food at the counter.

Russia snickered, America could be so silly at times.


Russia covered his mouth, forcing the positive thoughts out of his head. He couldn't. He shouldn't.

Several minutes passed before America returned with their food. Russia was initially surprised that America knew what type of coffee to buy, but when he thought back, he had always ordered black coffee. America even commented on it. They had spent a lot of time here at this café when they were dating.

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