Chapter 6

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Third P.O.V

"Russia, are you sure about this?" Belarus asked Russia one last time.

It was the next day. The two friends had met up at Belarus's house once again to confirm their plan.

"Yes... I am." Russia assured her, even though he wasn't exactly confident about this himself.

However, Belarus was still uncertain. "I really don't think this is the best way. Maybe you should just tell America about-"

"No. I can't!" Russia exclaimed loudly.

Belarus, startled by Russia's sudden outburst, took a few steps away from him out of instinct.

"S-Sorry..." Russia apologised in a much softer tone.

"It's okay. Just... Make sure that you're absolutely certain about what were going to do. Once we carry it out, I don't believe there will be any turning back."

Russia looked away. "Yeah... I'm ready."

"See you at dusk, then."

When the conversation was concluded, Russia left Belarus's house while typing a message to a certain someone.

America's phone vibrated when the message was sent. America picked up his phone and read what Russia had sent him.

'Hey, can we meet at the park at 8pm? I have something important to tell you.'

America, instead of sensing that something wasn't right, smiled at the text. He assumed that Russia just wanted to see him, maybe even apologise for the 'breakup'.

In America's head, everything was already becoming way better in the span of a week.

Unfortunately, any logical person knew it was going to get worse.

Way worse.

America showed the text to his brother who was sitting next to him on the couch. "Look, Maple, look!"

Canada was puzzled as to why America seemed so happy over another possible breakup text. "I am looking at it, but why are you so happy?"

"Because Russia wants to see me! Since we got back together, it's only been like, what, a day? And now it's almost as if we were never apart! See, I told you everything would work out in the end."

Canada swallowed hard. He knew it would break America's heart if he told him the real meaning behind that text but America needed to hear it from Russia himself. Besides, America may not even listen to Canada through all that blinded joy.

Nobody knows how America didn't notice Canada's overly big, wavering, crooked and overall forced smile. "Y-Yeah! That's great! I'm, uh, sorry I ever doubted you! Congratulations!"

Canada felt dirty for telling what he obviously knew was false to his brother.

His brother who could possibly break down when learning the truth.

America threw his hands up in the air and cheered. "Woo! I can't wait to see him again! It's been less than a day and I already miss him."

America stared at the clocked for a few seconds, making a mental note to himself. Four more hours until he has to meet Russia.

What should he do for those four hours? Going about the day as per usual would be the normal thing people do, but once America was looking forward to something, he wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it.

That's right, he'll just go about his day normally while thinking of Russia! Genius plan, America. Who would have thought of that?

Satisfied with his idea, he did just that. When he had lunch or dinner, he thought of what Russia was having. When he watched television, he wondered if Russia would like the show. When he helped his parents out with a few chores, he thought of Russia doing the same.

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