Chapter 3

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Third P.O.V

America came home from another day of following Russia. He had been spying on Russia for a month now, he more or less knew his daily routine.

Now he would just have to work out a plan on how to talk to Russia without Russia running away.

Before he could head up to his room to draw out a plan, however, he felt a tap on his right shoulder. He turned his head and saw his brother, Canada.

Canada looked serious and worried. "America."

America tilted his head, "Yes?"

"What were you doing today?"

That caught America off guard. Why the sudden question? He thought he hid the fact that he was following Russia pretty well.

He feigned innocence. "Oh, I just went out. You know, here and there. It can get pretty boring in the house."

Canada placed his hands on his hips, the suspicion in his eyes growing. "You didn't seem to mind spending the entire day at home using your phone in the past. Why the sudden change?"

Um... "People change, you know?"

America felt like slapping himself. That was a horrible response! Was that really the best excuse he could come up with?

Consequently, Canada's suspicion grew. "You changed abruptly? I didn't see you show even the slightest bit of interest in going outside until around a month ago. And almost exactly a month before that, you had a breakup."

Sweat dripped down America's forehead. He prayed that Canada didn't notice that one small detail. "I... I just felt like it one day. So I went out and after I found that I quite enjoy it, I continued doing it."

Canada stared hard at his brother, as if he was trying to catch even the slightest glimpse of America's soul. Feeling uneasy, America took a step back. "Um... Canada?"

Canada did not reply and America just remained silent in confusion and uneasiness. As time passed, America began to sweat more and started fidgeting with his fingers.

Canada shook his head slowly. "America, you are a horrible, horrible, horrible liar."

America's mouth fell open but no words came out. How was he supposed to defend himself when he has already been defeated?

Canada grabbed America by the shoulders and squeezed them tightly. "I don't know what on earth you're thinking you're doing, but it isn't going to end well. Russia doesn't love you, he might even hate you! There's a clear difference between hoping for the best and wishful thinking. Think, America. Russia isn't the type to go to extremes, you should know that better than anyone. If he is truly upset with you about something but still loves you, he would ask you to talk it through with him. There is no way he would've gone so far as to break up with you if that were the case."

Unfortunately for Canada, his words fell on deaf ears. America's view on the situation wasn't altered in the smallest way. "Then he must be extremely upset until the point where he's blinded by his anger. After I talk with him, he'll realise that he still wants to be in a relationship with me and everything will return to normal."

Canada opened his mouth to continue trying to convince America but he was interrupted. "There's something I need to do. I know what I'm doing, okay? See you!" America said quickly and dashed up the stairs and into his room. He didn't want a one hour lecture by Canada about all the reasons he was wrong because he only needed one reason to believe he was right.

What was that reason, you ask? Well, it was more of a belief than a reason.

The belief that what he and Russia had was real.

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