→Chapter 4←

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A/N. Aaaahhh I can't get over my excitement for this chapter. 

That's Rin's outfit btw, it's pink but you can imagine any color you'd like

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That's Rin's outfit btw, it's pink but you can imagine any color you'd like.

. . .

"Whoa, whoa, wait Repeat,... please...?" I couldn't process.

Did Hawks just offer to help me train!?

"I said I can help you train your quirk, it's fine if you don't want to. I don't mind either way. You'll be missing out though." He repeated.

"Right..." I paused, "But you must be very busy as the No.3 hero and your own agency, why would you want to train me? I'm not that great."

"It doesn't really matter to me much, but you could say I want to test myself. I can do almost anything I set my mind to. You were reckless that day, but you have some potential, what you did there wasn't nothing for someone as untrained as you are. Probably if given some time, you might have managed to save that boy. Of course the world's greatest hero jumped in to save the day like always, but with professional advice, I'm sure you could reach greater heights." He spread his wings in the end, for effect I think.

I looked at him so surprised at his amazing speech, and then jumped high in the air fists pumped, "YES!! I WILL DO IT!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!" I squeal clapping my hands together but then I realise that I'm acting like a three year old. I stop and stand straight, clear my throat for some professionalism, with a determined look I say "Sorry, I mean, yes, I will work hard and become stronger!"

He grins and ruffles my green hair, "Don't be so formal, I really don't like it when people put up appearances" He stated.

"O.kay! Whendowestart?" I say deciding alright, if he hates formal then he won't see it ever. I'm just too excited.

"Fast are we?"

"I've gotta keep up with you right?" I replied grinning.

He grinned, "Great! You've already learned the first lesson in Hawks 101!"

. . .

"WWHHHAATTT???!!! HAWKS agreed to train you?!! That is so amazing! You have to tell me all about your training sessions when they get over! All this information will be so useful" Izu exclaimed in surprise. I giggled at his reaction.

Hawks told me that we'll start that weekend when his schedule is lighter and we exchanged numbers. I asked him if I could tell my brother about this. He was a little hesitant but then agreed on the condition that Izu will keep it a secret. It won't be very convenient if this piece of news got out. I agreed with that. Of course, I wouldn't want the media on my tail constantly and it will cause a lot of trouble for Hawks.

He already agreed to train me which is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I don't want to ruin it at this stage.

"Yes, and I will tell you about it of course but don't tell anyone about this, it's supposed to be a secret." I said sitting on my bed with my legs folded. "I feel like I'll wake up tomorrow and realize it's just a dream."

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