Chapter 5: Plans

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Chapter 5


“Are you busy today? Schedule of gig or something?”

Stella was busy on her phone.

“Why? I am gonna go out later at 6. And you? Why aren't you preparing for work? It does not mean that you are the CEO you will just-

Mew cut her off. “I took an absent. Gulf and Sirene invited us over brunch.”

Stella made a face. She whispered something, rolled her eyes and continued what she was doing on her phone.

“That woman…” He muttered while staring at Stella, who was on her poise and swaying her hips while walking away. That ass doesn't affect me, though, He thought.

He missed someone's rump.

Mew was also busy checking something related with their company. He was currently the Chief Executive Officer of Praichakorn Empire. He could not believe that Stella's father had faith in him and gave him the position.

Well, he was capable of.

“Shit! My nails!”

Mew heard his wife's distress, so he immediately looked for her. She was on their balcony, nail polish and other nail things scattered in a small table.

“You're a fucking superb at overreacting! I thought something bad happened to you!”

Stella rolled his eyes. “Duh! A damaged nail is a complete bad thing for me!”

Mew just sighed. “Yeah, whatever.”

Stella just stuck her tongue out, that made Mew growled in frustration.

What a brat.

“Stick it out again, and I will pull it using your nail cutter!”

Her face screamed horror and hit Mew's butt using her foot.

Stella's foot was as hard as steel. My ass feel numb, Mew thought.

“Damn it! Shoo! You are ruining my mood!”

Mew laughed while walking away. He was totally right. He had a brat daughter inside the massive house.

Furthermore, he was on his way down to the ground floor when his phone rang. He saw Gulf's caller ID.

His face immediately lighten up, and he was now grinning like a madman.

“Yes, baby?”

“The fuck?” Gulf hissed.

Mew boomed in laughter.

“Sorry, sorry. Hmm? Stella's still busy with her thing.”

Gulf sighed. “Yeah. Just get her out or drag her ass out of her haven, because my wife is already waiting for the two of you.”

Mew could hear Gulf's impatient voice. He went to his desk and lazily shut his laptop off. He preferred not to work for that moment anymore.

Gulf sighed over the phone. “Hey, busy?”

Mew just clicked his tongue and went to the kitchen. “Nah at all. You? What are you doing… with your wife?” the bitterness in his voice were dripping like acid.

“She's busy with her phone too. Why? Are you feeling… Hmm?” Gulf just chuckled.

Mew rolled his eyes as if Gulf could see him.
“Yes… Fucking jealous…”

“Such a cling. Sirene and I aren't doing some… Couple stuffs, you know.”

Mew could not help but laughed his ass out. “Well, same here.”

“Motherfucker.” They both cringed at each other's silliness.

Another couple of minutes came by and finally the Jongcheveevat couple were good to go. As usual, Stella was wearing a signature brand of clothes with her red lipstick on and killer heels. She would as if go to a gala or in the runway with her get up. It was making Mew scratched his head and sighed.

“Really, Stell?”

Stella just gave him cold shoulders.

When they arrived at the Von appetit Restaurant in the heart of the downtown, they were assisted to one of the expensive reservation where they found the Traipipattanapong couple sharing a good conversation while smiling sweetly at each other.

“Gulf… Sirene…”

Mew's mood changed in a blink. Stella could just roll his eyes while checking her nails.

Gulf and Sirene looked at them and gestured the two of them to sit. Mew and Stella made their way. It was like a staring battle at first, but Sirene cracked the ice.

“Uhm, you guys are finally here. I'm delighted to see you…” she awkwardly smiled at the two.

Even they were living in the same subdivision. They could not see each other's presence due to tight schedules and busy works. As if they would, the two did not want to get caught.

Mew just nodded, while Stella had no reaction. Sirene felt the embarrassment. Gulf was just staring at Mew while arching his brows. The atmosphere became gloomy with matching thunder and lightning.

“So, how's it going? Any plans?” Sirene asked while they were eating.

“We are so fine, girl. And what plans are you talking about?” Stella's voice became so stern.

Mew drop his utensils and touched Stella's elbow to calm her down. Gulf saw it and felt something inside him. He would never let anyone noticed that he was affected. Even Mew.

“A-Ah… Like plans for having kids.”

Gulf choked on his drink. What the heck is she saying?, he thought. He glanced at Mew and cold stares met his gaze.

Stella slapped Mew's hand on her elbow. She faced Sirene with her serious bitchy face. She seemed mad for an unknown reason.

“Just remember this. I. Have. No. Plans. To. Have. Kids. With. Him. I have my blooming career and having kids is not in my priority for now.”

The two rooted on their sits. They wanted to sigh in relief, but it was not good to do so. On the other side, Sirene agreed and looked at his husband.

“Oh, Alright. So, we'll be the first one?” She chuckled and sipped on her wine.

No one from the three answered. It was like a bomb she dropped right on their faces. Mew could not talk and Gulf was intently staring at Sirene with his brows creased. Stella just scoffed.

She faked a surprise. “Oh, wow. Are you pregnant now?”

“She's not.” Gulf answered quickly.

“Uh, No. But I hope, soon.” her sweet smile was genuinely radiating, but no one from their table got the same aura as on her.


Mew couldn't care less on the outside, but he was actually erupting like a volcano in the inside. It was not like he did not wish to have kids, but jealousy was eating him up. He wanted to lash his anger out, he could not understand the bitterness he had felt that moment.

He looked at his rabbit. His menacing stares made Gulf gulped and bit his lower lip.

“Plans, huh?” Mew's voice equaled poison.

Gulf just knew that it would be a hella punishment later… at night.

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