Chapter 11: Nothingness

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Chapter 11


It was his choice to love him selflessly, even he had to hurt other people selfishly. Mew was occupied of work, but still able to think about the past few days. He was too worried about Gulf. He was feeling beyond terrified thinking about Gulf ending his relationship with him. Likewise, he loved him fiercely and no one would ever change his mind.


He stood up upon seeing his father-in-law's arrival. The old man was smiling at him.

“How's my boy?”

Mew gave him a small smile.

“I'm fine, Dad. What brought you here?” He gave him a small hug and offered him to sit.

The old man chuckled. “Oh mi hijo! How could you ask me that? I'm not that old to just stay at home.”

Mew also smiled. They have begun to talk about business. It was all pure business at first, but Mew knew it that the old man wanted to ask about his marriage with Stella.

“Are you two doing fine? I know it's hard to please my daughter. She is very high-pitched and expensive. I am just worried about…”

Mew didn't want to talk about it. He had done something that would make him free, but some people get a hold of him too tight, he couldn't let himself go. Maybe someday he can be braver enough…

“Don't worry about it, Dad. I'm not going to flop my words.”

The old man tapped his shoulder and stood up.

“I hope you won't leave my daughter…” and he left after that.

Mew sighed heavily. He has his plans. He was ready to break many principles. Not only that, but he was all ready to put his cards down and make a move.

It was past 6 when he off from work. He was about to ride the elevator when his phone beeped. Stella was calling.


He immediately distanced his phone from his ear. That was an annoying and deafening sound for him. Stella's sounded so drunk.

“What? Where are you?” He wanted to make it sure. He could hear loud sounds in the background.

“I'm at the Club 808! Guess who's here? Yeah! It's Gulf in the area!”

She's a mess.

Mew had his eyes wide opened. He rushed to ride the lift. He was gritting his teeth.

“Damn, Stella! Why are you two doing there?!”

He could even hear her drunken laugh. She was blabbering something he couldn't understand.

“Of course! I just want to unwind and have fun! Is this wrong, Mew? You are mad at me?”

Mew shut his eyes. "I am not. Just- Geez! Get a hold of yourselves! I'm coming! Just wait for me there, alright?”

“Alright! Come sooner, so you could witness Gulf humping with someone- Oh my mouth! Sorry!”

His eyes widened. "Fuck- What did you just say?!”

Mew could feel his body sweating cold. He ran to the parking lot and rode his car in a jiffy. Silently cursing while on the road. His mind went to south board. Stella's words still ringing inside his head.

“Fuck!” he cursed too loud and bang the wheel. He was stuck in the traffic.

He worriedly checked his watch. Furthermore, he gave it up and loosen his neck tie, roll up his sleeves, got his phone and went off from his car. He dialed someone's digits.

“Pick up my Chevy. Yeah, I'll text you the address.”

He messed his hair in annoyance. He knew it was crazy, but he would do whatever to reach that damn Club. So, he ran through the pavements like in a movie.

He was too oblivious by the surrounding stares. People were in awe looking at a tall fine man, running to death. Mew couldn't care less about himself, but just ran. He was sweating bullets and breathing heavily.

“Swear, am I going to lock you up in bed if I ever see you with someone else.” he gritted his teeth.

It was a long run, literally. He was a wreck when he reached the Club. It was already past 7 and people were madly partying. He made his way inside. He scanned the crowd and his eyes immediately landed on Stella, who was dancing her ass in a pole. Mew could feel his head throbbing. He's done with her.

“Excuse me…” politely joining the sea of unruly people. His eyes wandered again to search for that someone.

As he finally went to his mess of a wife. He got a hold of her arms and dragged her down from the pole. He also fixed her tight, skimpy dress. Stella was yelling at him.

“Fuck! Who the fuck are you?  Let me fucking go at once! I have a fucking husband!” she was slapping and clawing him with her deadly fingernails.

“Then why the fuck are you partying here if you have a husband? Stay still!”

He was about to carry her bride style, but his eyes laid to someone who was sitting low key at the corner. The man was staring directly through his soul in an expressionless manner. Mew noticed that the man was holding a glass of liquor in his hand. He gulped when he saw him bottom-up.

“My head is spinning!” Stella yelled hight-pitched.

Mew rooted to the spot while holding her. It was like the loud music and her voice has blocked on his ear. He was beyond grateful when he saw him with no one, but his heart was aching. It was like cold water drenched his whole system. The man he was staring at stood up. His heart was completely loosened on its cage and began to pound crazily. The man was slowly walking toward him.

“G-Gulf…” Mew lowly uttered.

The man halted and smiled at him, that broke his heart even more into bits.

“Hey… She's drunk. Let's go home.” Gulf's voice was unusually gentle.

As Gulf turned his back to them, a lone tear escaped from Mew's eye. He looked at Stella, then to him. He breathed the pain and gulped the guilt. His heart was breaking, his eyes glistened.

He sighed and carried Stella. He marched his way out to the parking lot. Furthermore, he saw him standing beside his car.

“Hop her in.”

Mew followed and gently put Stella on the back seat. She was murmuring something.

Mew closed the door. He immediately went up to Gulf, but the man evaded his touch. Gulf coldly turned his back to him.

“I'm sorry we're hurting…” Mew began talking.

He saw that Gulf stopped on his track.

“I just hope that you won't let go of my hand. Can we endure it a little more for now, please, baby? I am doing my best-

“S-Save your words.” Gulf's trembling voice cut him off. He continued on his track and rode in the driver's seat.

“… to free ourselves, so we can be happy together.” The words he was about to say, but Gulf just badly wanted to get away from him. It hurts.

He had no strength at all to yell, so just brokenly uttered those words into the nothingness.

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