Chapter 2: Passion

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Chapter 2


“Idiots,” The look on the old man's face was hard to describe.

“Not the two of you, of course. What I meant to say is that the two of you will face a matrimony soon. By the way, I already arranged a dinner for you and your future wives.”

Mew and Gulf had their mouths still hanging open. It was so close to a jaw dropping news and a very bad news. They could not believe what they heard from the old Attorney.

“I-I have no desire to get married!” Gulf's reaction was enough to conclude objection.

Mew remained silent, though. He was contemplating whether to protest about him entering a marriage or just let things be. 'That would surely suck' he thought. Marriage was not his thing. He loved being free, so the idea of it was giving him the cold creeps.

“What if we don't agree to the marriage?” Mew finally asked after a long minute of silence.

The Attorney stared at him without a humor. He crossed his arms over his chest. The disgusting smirk on his face annoyed Mew.

“You won't get anything, even a single cent.”

That made them frown. What an agreement. Marriage was a damn serious matter. The two of them could not decide so easily.

Marriage for the richness Gulf was aiming for. He was not a poor man, but not a rich man either. He got his car, but he still had his dreams to fulfill. That's why he wanted to have enough money for those dreams.

While on the other side, Mew already had his decision in mind. It was hard to decide but he had his dreams too, for someone.

“So… Is this going to be an arranged marriage?” Gulf asked.

The annoying smirk on the Attorney's face disgusted him too. "Obviously." Mew stifle a fake laughter.

“Not at all if the two of you will end up falling in love with your wives.”

Mew scoffed. His face was full of sarcasm. He wanted to say something but chose to keep his opinion to himself.

“Fall in love? That's overstatement.” Gulf grimaced.

“Too early to say that.” The Attorney chuckled.

Gulf would never agree with the thought of—what? Falling in love?

Never in his life.

It was a long, tiring discussion they had inside the Attorney's office. In the end, the two of them agreed, half-hearted. All for the money they could get after the marriage.

“Love? Real shit.” Gulf uttered when they left the office.

Mew heard him. He scanned Gulf's body while the latter was still cursing about the thing called 'Love'.

“Have you ever fall in love?”

Gulf rolled his eyes. "Nah..." With an obvious disgust. “Love will just cause damnation, don't you think? It will give you delight, but for how long? It will just be the reason of your downfall eventually.”

Mew just nodded. Gulf's words somehow struck him, directly to his heart. Loving someone was scary, it's uncertain and frustrating.

When they reached the car park, Mew halted and stared at Gulf for a minute. Gulf was fumbling for his key fob on his pocket. Mew could not still ignore the fact that Gulf's sexy round ass affected him that much.

“The ass, though. Maybe I can ask him for a permission to touch?” He shook his head, hoping it could shrug his indecent thoughts away.

Gulf finally found his key. He was hesitating to face Mew to bid a goodbye. He held his car's door, but immediately lost his grip when he heard Mew's frustrated growl.

“Are you leaving?”

Gulf turned his back to face Mew. The latter was just leaning again against the wall while hands on his pocket. Gulf wanted to invite Mew to grab a drink or something, but he was too embarrased to ask.

“W-Why?” Great! Why should I have to stutter like a damn shy puppy? Gulf on his thought.

Mew smirked. “Are we just going to leave after losing each other for nine years? How about we catch up? I bet you have tons of stories to tell me... brother.”

Brother, huh?

“Stories? What stories?” Gulf laughed nervously.

“About your lovers, perhaps? I bet you mingled a lot with beautiful women in the city.”

Gulf frowned at that. Mew was radically wrong. Gulf did not even had his time to play around because he was too busy at work.

“Nah. I was busy.” He averted his gazes from Mew.

“Oh, alright.” Mew grinned, teasing him.

They really had a session at the nearest coffee shop they found. They talked about different stuffs. Then all of a sudden, it went to girls… and sex.

“Don't go there! It's inappropriate.” Gulf attempted to budge Mew's question.

Mew was just smirking the whole time. He was enjoying that talk with his childhood friend-slash-brother, Gulf. He really noticed that the man changed a lot, for the better. From his appearance, voice, to his body.

Mew shook his head when the image of Gulf's ass entered his mind for the nth time.

“Fuck…” He cursed under his breath.

Gulf blinked twice. “Huh? Were you saying something?”

Mew just shrugged and changed their topic.

“I was in a local band. I entered the music industry when I was 18. It was my cup of tea. But one day, I just woke up feeling exhausted. I guess, I didn't have enough courage and motivation to continue that passion.”

Gulf was in awe. He could still remember the time when Mew sang in front of him and their father, Ferdinand. He had a very soothing voice.

“It's scary, huh? To wake up one day, getting tired from the things you usually like or love.”

Mew just sighed. It made him think.

His past passion for music was way different from one particular passion he had been secretly hiding from a special person for the past years.

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