🍎Chapter 2

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The painful waiting for a few days to pass by is finally done. Though because of Karma's detention he couldn't go to the school with you today. Upon knowing this, your excitement lessened,...a lot.

Since your purpose of attending this school is to spend more time with Karma. Finally after those days of waiting Karma had managed to force you to study, rather than inviting you to come over and play games with him.

He'll be coming over again later to hear the news where you'll be attending. Most of the people are asking about how your previous school was? Most of them are girls who doesn't enjoy socializing with boys that much. And there are also boys asking if the girls in your previous school are as cute as you.

Obviously hitting on you. As the days went on after the entrance ceremony and all, picking clubs which you skipped. You went home with an exhausted expression on your face.

"What? Didn't get to the top?" Karma waved his hands infront of you as you were about to close the gates.

"Well, thanks to you... I... was able to get in A-Class" you stuttered, playing with the hem of your skirt, the end of your sentence slowly ended up in a mutter.

"Nahh, you worked hard for it. It's worth it, isn't it?" he chuckled as he watched you clumsily re-open the gate for him.

"Well then... We can relax for today" he smirked patting your shoulder walking ahead of you as if it's his own house.


Next day came by and here you are getting interrogated by the big five.

"Why is it, Akabane? Did he threaten you to date him?"

"No, please stop speaking ill of him" you tried to shoo them away, the unwanted attention only making their fangirls go crazy.

"Ehh? Why is that? We're only speaking facts. Perhaps you're his little masochist that's why you're defending him as if your life depends on his name and image"

"I-i'm not! I knew better than to speak ill of someone I barely knew. You're all speaking as if you're some god who knew him very well" you stated with much more confident this time as the strawberry-blonde who's been silent for awhile now came closer.

"Well then, let me tell you something. That boy injured a teacher and a student for his own entertainment" he slammed his hands roughly against your desk.

"I was there! That student you're talking about was bullying another student from E-class! He only got what he deserve! YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT KARMA-KUN AS IF YOU'RE ANY BETTER!!" Your sudden burst out took the big five in shock as it takes them a few moment to regain their composure.

"Well we're a hundred percent sure that we're better than him" the creepy looking guy with black hair and glasses said.

"Oh really? You're face and choice of words says otherwise" you snarled at him pushing them off your desk.

Asano watched amused, as you and his four minions began to argue. Classes are already done, just some club persons are staying or those top students who stayed to study.

Asano walked out of the room and smirked at the boy standing outside. "Thought she's a soft one. Didn't know you're into 'shy but wild' type of girls. You got quite a feisty girl, Akabane".

"Fuck off, daddy's boy" the redhead retorted as he walked in the classroom.

"Come on, (Y/n). There's no point on talking them, they're not worth your attention" Karma hissed at the four making them back away. As he tugged at your arm softly.

You only nodded and followed him outside.
You kept your head hanging low out of embarrassment. You should've known he's watching, displeasing him is the last thing you'd like to do in your whole life.

Only now realizing that arguing with the big five makes it looks like 'Karma dated a good actress bitch' or 'Karma had influenced the once pure girl by his misbehaviour and foul mouth'.

His reputation isn't that good, but you don't wanted to brought shame upon him.

"If I knew things will turn out like this, I shouldn't have dated you" Karma suddenly blurted out making you stopped on your tracks.

You mumbled a breathy "what?" As he looked away with a displeased expression.

'Oh no' you thought to yourself feeling tears well up in your eyes.

"You won't get bothered by the big five for dating me. You wouldn't get discriminated or criticized if it wasn't because of me. You'll leave a soft life away from threathening fangirls" you heard him mumbled quietly as he began walking again on a slow pace.

"But... I wanted to date Karma-kun" you looked away, as you pout unconsciously at the painful hammering in your chest.

"Hey! hey! What was that? Let me hear it again!" The redhead threw his arm around you and leaned closer.

"Pleasedon'tteaseme" you closed your eyes covering your madly blushing face.

"Well thanks, that lifted a lot of doubts off my mind....somewhat" he confessed taking hold of your hand as you both began walking on a much more steady pace on your way home.

Even just simple cliché words from you is enough to light him up. Knowing the chance of you speaking your thoughts out loud to him is barely possible.

He gotta cherish even the tiniest bit of your responses.

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