🍎Chapter 4

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Karma picked you up early in the morning to come and attend school, since he's gonna start attending school today too. Sadly, you didn't get enough time to spend together yesterday because of Karma's parent's arrival.

"Well, I'll be going now" he bid his goodbye and went out of the school grounds.

'Seems like he's off to ditch again' you sighed, taking your time to walk to your classroom since it's still quite early.

"Karasuma-san, you're earlier than usual" Ren came out of nowhere with a bunch of girls clinging onto him.

"Uh- yeah I guess- bye" you awkwardly waved him off before speeding off.

"Come on, buddy! Run after her before she gets in the classroom" Red signaled to his friend, Asano. As the strawberry blonde didn't waste any time to follow you.

He somewhat managed to get there before you could. You slid the door open and went to your seat which is just right behind the seat next to Asano.

"Oh... Karasuma-san, it seems like it's just the two of us are here right now. Isn't the fate favoring us too much?" Asano laughed as he smirked up at your standing figure.

"H-huh?! Maybe it just you who's being favored!" you blurted out uncontrollably, you covered your mouth in embarrassment.

"Quite feisty, huh?" Asano chuckled standing up near you, patting your head before leaving the school.

'Ahhh~ Karasuma (Y/n), you're really somethin' aren't you?' Asano thought as he walked off to the student council room.


Swimming class came after a few lessons since lunch ended. You're not quite the good one at swimming but guess it's okay.

Everyone's getting their way to the pool, everyone except for you who stayed in the girl's locker room. For some reasons you didn't want to go out and exposed so much skin to those guys you didn't even know's sight.

Well, that makes sense for someone who went to girl's school from kinder up 'til last year.

"Everyone's getting ready, I bet you don't want to get late, do you?" Karma slid the door open, revealing him and his beloved strawberry milk.

He walked up behind you embracing your tiny features. "Well, I'm sure you don't want them to see your very well exposed skin, I don't want too as well. But you have to go there or I'll tell your father" Karma grinned at you innocently before pecking your cheek.

Your whole face turning red from embarrassment. "Well, speaking of your father! He's going to be my P.E teacher! Isn't that great? You could come and visit us when you have free time!" Karma stated, poking your still burning cheeks.

"Huh? What? But he works for the government's defence c-"

"Well, I couldn't tell you the reason, since we're bound to. Anyways, love you, I'll pick you up later" Karma waved his hands to you, trolling to his class.

"Why didn't you call for help when a male entered the girls' locker room?" Asano cold voice spoke behind you as he walked with you to your next class.

"Were you watching us?" you flinched in shock as you gazed at Asano who blushed lightly.

'Cute' he thought while blushing.

"Asano-san, Karasuma-san, you're late!" the teacher scolded you two.


"Dad! Dad! Is it true?!" You ran inside your house as soon as Karma dropped you off.

"What?" The older Karasuma looked up from his work to look at his daughter.

"You're teaching the E-Class! And- and!...Karma's one of your students! Why? Is it some sort of training or something?" You asked, confused, head tilting lightly with thinking expression.

'She looks like her mother' Karasuma thought as he brought the cup of coffee to his lips.

"Yeah, for some reasons you're not allowed to know. It's a classified information I couldn't tell you. You'll definitely know someday" Karasuma did a 'shoo' motion with his hands, as you gasped in disappointment dramitically and stormed off to your room.

"Ne, Karasuma-sensei" Karma knocked on door, welcoming himself.

"You skipped my class..." Karasuma sighed frustatedly. He's hoping to teach the kid well so he could protect his daughter.

"I gotta go to the main campus before (Y/n)'s class finishes" he reasoned.

"Stop spoiling my daughter. She'll never become independent if you keep on treating her like a child"

"She's still like a child anyways"

"That's because you-"

"Karma-kun?!" You stared at them from the second floor as they continue to argue more like bicker.

"Yo! You gotta tell me why you're with Asano when I came to fetch you" Karma grinned as he proceed on walking with you to your room.

"Possessive freak" Karasuma mumbled silently as he resumed his work.

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