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"Karma-kun, did you see the hairclip Yogi-kun gave me?" You asked the redhead as you searched for the butterfly designed thing in your bag.

"No" Karma replied plainly.

"Are you sure?" you sighed. It was pretty. You wanted to show Karma how you'll look like with it but little did you know that,

Karma didn't like you wearing anything from other boys. He didn't like it. Not one bit.

He threw the hairclip somewhere. And had used violence against someone.

"Don't worry about it. I'll just buy you a new one" Karma reassured. That's what he actually wants, for you to wear things he gave.

"But it looks really good on me. You deserved to see it" you whined and sat down on the couch.

"You'll be better with a tiara, m'lady" Karma smirked leaning forward to touch your cheeks. They immediately heated up, as you turned away from him.

"You're teasing me again!" you cried, swatting his hand away.

"I'm not" Karma laughed.

"Come over tomorrow. I'll give you a set of accessories" Karma said, kissing your cheek causing you to blush once again.

"Woah! Karma-kun! Atleast wait 'til we get married!" you complained, cheeks puffed.

"No way, I don't wanna wait that long! It's just a kiss anyways!" Karma huffed as he stood up and pulled you up once again. Once you're on your feet, he kissed both of your cheeks.

You stood there for a moment before you heard your name getting called.

"(Y/n)-chan, come. Let's go home" Two figures called from the door. Your head snapped towards their direction.

"Mom! Dad!" You glanced at Karma before also kissing his cheek and running towards your parents.

"Can we get pizza? Can we?! Can we?!" your voice was heard from the hallways, after that was silence.

Back to the redhead kid, he was frozen in his spot looking like the tomato he is. He went to sat down once again, he covered his face with his hands as he continue trying to release the heat from his face.


"Hurry up!!" Karma groaned as he watched you do your hair and put on the necklace that's from the set of accessories he gave.

"Hang on!" you replied as you ran towards him.

"I look prettier now, right?" You smiled, clinging onto his arm.

"Yeah yeah, sure" Karma only nodded and walked downstairs with you.

"Mom look! Karma-kun gave me this!" you ran to your mom showing the necklace.

"Oh wow. Have you thanked Karma-kun?" Your mom smiled back and patted your head, looking over to the kid that's impatiently waiting.

"I have!" you beamed.

"That's good. Don't cause Karma-kun too much trouble, okay?"


"Karma-kun, what if the park is full of kids?" you asked as the two of you walked towards a park nearby.

"It's fine. Just play only with me" Karma replied calmly.

"Huh? Why?!" you said.

"It's our date. We don't need anyone else" Karma looked away to hide his blush.

"Huh what date? We're too young" you let go of his arm to look around.

"But still. I wanna date!" Karma complained. You looked over to him and frowned.

"You still have to talk to people when you're in a date"

"You don't have to, I'll do the work. Just give all your attention to me" Karma pouted, mad about how you're willing to give other people your attention when they don't need it. While Karma's dying to make you only look at his way.

Your frown deepened as you stopped walking.


"Why?!" Karma asked getting a bit irritated as to why can't you get what he's pointing at.

"Because I-" you stopped. You don't really have a reason to do so.

"See! You don't need to play with them, they don't even like you. Just play with me, 'cause I like, like like, like you!" Karma explained, cheeks flushed, as he grabbed your shoulders and brought you in his arms.

"You like me, like, like the crush type like?" You asked wanting to make sure you heard the right thing.

Karma nodded in response.

You grinned before pulling away cupping his cheeks.

"I like Karma-kun too. That's why I'll be marrying him when I grow up" you smiled, leaning closer to the redhead.

"Yeah whatever. Better keep your words. I'm going to chase you and forced you to marry me if you ever change your mind" Karma huffed and grabbed your hand and started walking to the park.

You did as he said, you only gave him your attention at that time. Others have asked you to play with them.
You'll always look at Karma for answers but he'll only glare at them and scare them away.

You didn't know it yet at that moment.

You didn't know that you'll fell inlove with a possessive sadist that has gone crazy over you.


(A/n): Sadly this is already the epilogue.

Thank so much for reading this far.

I published the prologue and first chapter of Wasted Times. You guys might wanna check it.

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