🍎Chapter 7

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It was lunch time and you decided to go give your father his lunch since he forgot it in the fridge this morning.

You walked to the parking lot and outside of the barrier to the not very visible path in the woods.

'They take this path everyday?' You thought to yourself and started walking up. The fresh air and vibrant color the leaves of the trees are giving off is refreshing your not very tired self.

"Uhm...you're going up there too? Are you a transferee?" A girl with short blonde hair and pink at the end of the locks. And the other is a brunette with a lot bigger melons than you got.

"I-...I-i-m going to someone I know up there" you hesitated for a moment before answering.

"Really? You can go with us" the innocent looking blonde offered with a kind and sweet smile

'Karma-kun, sure have kind people in his class' you thought to yourself, before the name 'Okuda' crossed your mind. 'What kind of girl is she?'

Once you reached the old campus, groups of students eating under the trees greeted you. One of them is your boyfriend, getting asked -more like interrogated- by two blondes.

"Oh yeah, he's good looking but kind of a troublemaker. Heard from the boys he got a call from his girlfriend during the schooltrip" the kind looking blonde stated.

You nodded your head with a blush.
'Did I embarrassed him infront of his classmates?

"Where is the teachers' lounge? " you asked, looking down to hide your red face.

"Uhh...over here" the two females led you to the room. You glanced at Karma for a brief second and saw a girl with glasses offering her juice to her which is mango flavored.

You couldn't help but to stiffle a laugh, Karma's not into mangoes. Karma instantly rejected the drink and went back on eating. You continue to follow the two through the hallway, they knocked on the door and received a 'come in'.

"Hey dad" you greeted to the busy man working on his desktop.

"Uhh hey (Y/n)- what are you doing here?!" Tadaomi practically jumped out of his seat in surprise as he saw his daughter and holding a bento box, which is his.

"Forgot your lunch so I brought it" you said holding out the his lunch to him. He muttered a 'thank you' and went on putting his work aside to eat.

You glanced at the other blonde woman in the room and she sure got big melons too. She looked like a foreigner. She looked as shock as the two students are.

"Well then, I'll go check on Karma-kun first before leaving, we're told to go home an hour early today" you excused and walked outside to see your redhead boyfriend drinking his water, a few meters away from his classmates.

You sneakily approach him and said a small 'hello' which seem to surprise him.

"(N/n), what are you doing here?" He asked rather surprise, with cheeks as flushed as yours.

"I went to give dad's lunch" you whispered quietly to him, which Karma found funny as he chuckled loudly.

"Why are you whispering?" He said quietly, holding back his laughters. And showing off his smirk to hide his blush.

"It's classified" you whispered once again. This time Karma couldn't really hold back and began laughing uncontrollably.

You covered your face out of embarrassment with a small "kyahh~". Which resulted Karma to laughing louder.

"Oh jeez, (Y/n)-chan you're just too cute" he smiled and panted, as he patted your head and leaned in to give you a kiss on the forehead.

"H-h-here I brought a drink since I heard from the students that there are only vending machines in the main campus" you handed him two cartons of strawberry milk.

"Is this some kind of gift or something?" Karma laughed, as he started walking to his classroom,"wait here, I just have to do something real quick".

You did as told while checking some updates on a manga app you're reading.

[(A/n): it's not those anime mangas, what I mean is like those Korean mangas that are translated to english :')]

You huffed as the author of the manhwa named: "Who made me a princess?".
haven't updated just yet.
[(A/n): yes I changed this, after months of you guys telling me.]

"Let's go" Karma led you down the mountain to your classroom.

"Anyways, saw you laugh when I rejected Okuda's drink, did I made you proud?" He smirked planting a sweet kiss on your temple before walking off to ditch.


After this and that your class is finally allowed to go home. Some stayed and some went on to buy stuffs or just go home and rest.

As for your case, you decided to go up the mountain and see your beloved boyfriend and father.

Tadaomi had mentioned to you before about when and what his class is. Feeling quite excited to watch your father teach students your age.

You peeked through a corner and saw no one, proceeding on walking around the building, you saw students trying to hit your father with what it seems like rubber knife.

Everyone of them are charging at him from time to time, but, someone seems missing. Ah yeah, you guessed it right. The devil himself is nowhere to be found.

"Ahh you must be Karasuma-san's daughter" suddenly a weird looking guy interrupted your not so enjoyable watch.

The students in the field stopped to look at the commotion. "Uhh yeah" you awkwardly said, feeling uncomfortable because of the unwanted attention.

"Are you here to see him or to see Karma-kun?, nyurufufufu" the man giggled weirdly then suddenly Karma popped out of nowhere licking a gelato.

"Did someone mentioned my name?" He asked - cutely- confused. "Oh- (Y/n)-chan, still jealous?" He grinned making your face turned red.

"I-i-i'm not..." You defended, turning away from them trying to hide your blush.

"Is that so? Let's go home then" he waved to the older Karasuma as he grabbed his bag and started walking home with you.

[(A/n): though you guys hang out first before going home]

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