18- Punishment to Fit the Failure

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Thanos's children looked on with disinterest as Amora approached the floating throne. They looked away from her and smiled at each other.

"Back so soon, Asgardian?" Thanos asked as his throne slowly spun around so he could see her.

Amora prostrated herself before the titan, despite her wish to never do so for anyone again. She told him everything that had happened. She told him about how she had attempted to destabilize the Avengers and use the distraction to go forth and claim the Mind Stone. She explained how she was going to use it to gain access to Odin's vault and take the Space Stone.

Thanos smirked. "That's an interesting story, Amora. Yet you kneel before me with neither, and the Avengers are still whole."

"I can still gain the stones," Amora promised in a pleading voice.

"No, I don't think you can. Furthermore, I have been hearing some...interesting...rumors."

Suddenly another figure appeared nearby. He stood still and off to Amora's right. Dressed in dark robes, his features were sharp and menacing. He smiled at her before speaking. "Recognize me?"

It was the same voice as The Shadow.

"This is Prince Acrimon," Thanos introduced. "And he tells me that you have been plotting to take the stones for yourself. Is this true?"

Amora's eyes widened as she began to shake her head. "You! You lie! You were seeking to do so as well!"

Acrimon grinned. "I was told to suggest this to you by Thanos. To test your allegiance. And you failed."

Thanos stood from his throne and walked down the floating chunks of rock toward Amora. She began to move away only to be surrounded by the others in attendance.


Thanos smiled and reached out, his finger stroking her cheek. "Shhh," he whispered gently. "It's going to be alright."

Amora looked at him with confusion. "Alright?"

Thanos smiled more broadly. Then his hand clamped down on her head and she shrieked as he lifted her up. With his other hand, he pressed down on her throat. She cried out one last time before he gave a mighty pull in one direction and a push in the other. Her head was ripped from her shoulders, her body tumbling across the rock. Thanos tossed her head to the ground and walked away.

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