6-A Watcher

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While the Avengers ate breakfast, Camilla stood in the nearby dining room and listened to their conversation as she kept busy with ordering the furniture Mr. Stark had requested. As she placed the order, she reflected on the events of the night before. She had waited patiently in the dark until everyone retired to bed for the evening. Then, only after the entire wing was silent, did she approach Dean's quarters. She stood at the door and listened for them. Emboldened, she used her master key to enter the apartment. She stood against the wall separating the den from the master bedroom and listened intently as Thor and Dean made love.

"Oh, Camilla, you scared me," Tony said as he walked into the dining room and found the assistant seated at the table, her tablet in front of her.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark. I was just placing the orders you asked about," she spoke in a quick, nervous tone.

Tony smiled. "No worries. After you do that why don't you take the day off. You've been pulling long hours all week."

Camilla smiled gratefully and thanked him before finishing her task. Then she slid the tablet into its protective case and retired to her own quarters. She sat at the foot of her bed for some time, her thoughts conflicted. It was wrong to spy on the Avengers. It was wrong to intrude on such an intimate moment between lovers.

But She told her to do it. She commanded her.

She ran a hand through her hair as guilt mounted within her. "I can't do it anymore. I'll just...I'll just quit and leave. I'll tell her I was fired. Then maybe I can sleep at night."

Having made her mind up, she took to the task of typing a letter of resignation. As she typed, she could feel fear conflicting with her sense of decency. Fear of Her.

A soft green light flickered like a candle, bathing the entire room in its glow. She looked up from the laptop and stared at her reflection in the mirror as the green light pulsed from its surface. The reflection began to swirl like the waters of a whirlpool. Then She appeared. Tall and statuesque, she stepped out of the mirror and stood at the foot of the bed. Camilla's heart raced as she took in the sight of her. She was beautiful in an awful, cruel way. She wore a strapless, green leather bustier, a matching pleated skirt, and boots. Gloves adorned her hands and forearms and a iridescent green headdress framed her face. Her alabaster skin was smooth and without a blemish or fine line. Her flaxen hair spilled from her crown and fell behind her shoulder in a thick curtain of gold. Her face, both lovely and wicked at once, looked down at her.

"Camilla," she spoke in her eerily friendly voice. "Tell me what you've discovered."

Camilla cleared her throat and closed the laptop. Her resolve vanished at the sight of her. "Thor and Dean made love last night."

The woman's face had been poised until that point. A crack began to show and she scowled for a brief moment. Then, as if it had never happened, her face returned to its usual expressionless demeanor. "Of course they did. Why shouldn't they? It only makes sense that Thor would find his pleasures with the pathetic mortal."

Camilla lowered her eyes. "He sang to him later in the night, ma'am."

The anger returned, and this time it touched her voice. "Sang to him?" She sat on the bed and grabbed Camilla's chin, tilting her face back so that their eyes met. "Tell me more of this...song."

"I couldn't understand the words, ma'am," Camilla spoke in haste, fearful of disappointing her. "It was a language I didn't know. But...it sounded..."


"It sounded comforting and soft. I don't think Thor sees Dean as someone to use. I think he cares about him."

"How...adorable," the woman groaned. "But that doesn't matter. Hearts can change, especially when I have a hand in things."

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