17- Amora's Wrath

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Dean left the tower and drove to Dr. Rose's office. As he drove, his thoughts kept going back to Thor. Dean had noticed his glum mood and how it seemed to coincide with his sudden return to Asgard. He wanted to believe that it was related to his distress about Loki but he couldn't help but wonder if this was related to another matter entirely.

"Thor would tell me," Dean said to himself as he drove into the parking garage. He willed himself to believe this. Thor was honest to a fault. He couldn't even play poker because of his inability to bluff.

He parked the car and walked through the garage and toward the adjacent office building. As he walked, he reviewed his checklist of things to talk to Dr. Rose about and added Thor's mystery mood to the list. When he walked in he approached the desk and picked up a pen to sign in. That was when he noticed the receptionist's desk was empty. He peered around and didn't see anyone at all. "That's...weird," he murmured.

He walked around the waiting room and felt concern mounting. Usually there were at least a few other patients waiting to see a provider.

Dean walked toward the restroom, noticing that the door was ajar and the automatic light was on. Someone had to have been in there recently. "I think something's wrong here," Dean murmured as he slowly pushed the door open. He opened the restroom door all the way and was immediately focused on the scene that lay before him in the restroom. There were at least eight people piled into the room, their bodies twisted and broken. Dean's eyes widened and he instinctively reached for the small handgun he always kept on him, hidden under his shirt. He stared at the face of the receptionist. Her dead eyes were locked on the ceiling, an expression of fear permanently fixed on her face. He recognized a few other staff members in the pile of bodies, but Dr. Rose wasn't among them. He crept along the waiting room, keeping to the wall as he moved toward the hall that led to the various offices. One by one, he secured each room. A therapist or psychiatrist lay dead in each room, some with patients.

He arrived at Dr. Rose's door, took a deep breath, then kicked it in and burst into the office. A tall, regal looking woman stood in the center of the room. Her thick blond hair spilled down her back. She turned around and looked at Dean as if she were waiting for him all along.

"Dean...how nice to finally meet you," she spoke in a sharp, icy tone.

"Who are you?" Dean asked as he aimed at her forehead.

The woman swept her hair behind her back and Dean observed the attire- a green corset and skirt, long heeled boots and gloves, and an angular head dress that made the woman look like she had horns.

"I'm Amora...of Asgard. And you...you are Thor's love."

Dean scowled. "How do you know about that?"

"You ask boring questions," Amora taunted as she advanced upon him.

Dean squeezed the trigger and the bullet struck her face and simply bounced off into the corner of the room, landed next to Dr. Rose's twisted body. She seized Dean's wrist and throat, simultaneously lifting him off of the ground and twisting his wrist so that the gun fell from his grasp.

"I have a question I'd like to ask you," she growled before tossing Dean across the room. He struck the wall and fell to the floor. Rolling to his side, he attempted to quickly stand when Amora was suddenly kneeling right in front of him. She grabbed his throat again and slammed him back against the wall. His head was throbbing from the stabbing pain of the impact.

"Why does Thor love you? YOU? A mortal? He was supposed to be mine, you know. I was his betrothed. But he wanted you?"

"I don't understand," Dean coughed. "It's my fault Thor decided he didn't want you? How is it my fault? He probably noticed what a psychotic bitch you are."

Amora lifted Dean off of his feet again and threw him up at the ceiling. He slammed into it and then came crashing back down to the floor.

"I was to be queen of Asgard. And I still will be." She kicked Dean's stomach, sending him flying across the room and against Dr. Rose's body. "And I will not be demeaned by the likes of you, you insignificant creature!"

Dean rolled aside as quickly as he could, avoiding Amora's fist as it collided with the floor. Taking advantage of his opening, he ran toward the door and slammed it shut behind him. There was no way he could take on an Asgardian alone. She may not be as strong as Thor, but she was clearly stronger than Dean. He ran down the hall, ignoring the biting pain in his body.

"You aren't leaving!" Amora shouted.

Dean saw a strange field of green energy surrounding him. Then he felt his body being lifted up off of the floor. Against his will and despite every effort to regain control, his body rotated and then came flying back toward Amora. He stopped just short of her and hovered before her, trapped in whatever power she was wielding.

"What is this? Magic?" Dean grunted as the field exerted pressure on him.

"My methods are beyond your comprehension, mortal. Now, it's time for you to embrace your fate."

Suddenly the wall behind Amora burst as something smashed into her. The energy field dissipated and Dean fell to the floor. He scooted back and rose to his feet as he watched as Thor punched Amora's face, knocking her across the hallway and through the wall. He leaped through the jagged opening and landed on top of her. His free hand reached for her hair and he lifted her off of the floor by it.

"Stop, Odinson-" Amora gasped.

"I don't want to hear what you have to say, Amora," Thor interrupted in a low rumble. "You are going back to Asgard and I will see to it that you live out your days in the Isle of Silence."

"NO!" Amora shrieked as she hurled an orb of magical energy at Thor. The attack did little to harm him, but it did knock him backward. Amora landed on her feet and took several steps back, her body gleaming with magic. "I will NOT share Loki's fate! No, Odinson. I will have my prize."

"I won't marry you, Amora. You have no way of taking the throne."

Amora shook her head. "Oh, Thor. As stupid as ever. I have very powerful friends. They will enable me to have the throne. I don't need you at all. And I don't want you. I never wanted you, only your throne. And since you denied me that, I've had to fight and scheme to get it myself."

Another barrage of magical energy erupted from her fingertips. Thor raised Mjolnir and blocked the attacks before hurling it across the room at her. The hammer struck her in the chest. It carried her across the room and through the wall. Bricks burst around her as she was sent hurtling out of the building and across the street. The hammer glistened as lightning began to emerge from it, sending massive bursts of electricity through Amora. She landed on the pavement and attempted to get up, only to find that Mjolnir was fixing her to the ground.

Thor landed next to her with a grunt. Kneeling, he placed a hand on the handle of Mjolnir. "Heimdall!"

Amora looked over at the side-view mirror of the nearby car and invoked her mirror magic, her body vanishing through it before Thor could finish beckoning the Bifrost.

Camilla burst into tears upon Dean's arrival home. "It started with her just having me spy on you. She just wanted to know how things were going with you and Thor. But then." Camilla's eyes filled with tears again and she lay her head in her hands.

Dean reached out and lay a hand on her shoulder. "It's alright, Camilla. I understand."

Camilla looked up and met Dean's gaze. "I betrayed your trust. I hurt you and I don't deserve forgiveness."

"Amora...she's clearly very powerful. She scared you. Intimidated you. I'm sure she made you feel like you had no choice."

"I don't think I can face you and Thor ever again."

"Yes you can," Dean assured her as he hugged her close to him. "I understand and so will Thor. Besides, once you realized what Amora was going to do, you warned Thor."

"When she told me she was going to kill you there was no other choice to make. But now...now she'll come after me, I'm sure of it."

Dean shook his head. "Thor is on Asgard reporting everything. Trust me, Amora, wherever she is, won't hurt anyone again. All of Asgard will be after her. And if she tries anything, the Avengers will be ready."

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