13-Mother and Son

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The Bifrost took Thor back to Asgard shortly after he kissed Dean goodbye. His glistening home world spilled out before him, greeting him with its large scale and opulent beauty, though it failed to impress him like it once did. Even the greeting of his old friend Heimdall could not quell the concerns in the heart of the Odinson.

"I see all, Thor," Heimdall said as he greeted the returning prince. "You are troubled."

"I am," Thor confessed. "But it is nothing for you to worry about."

Heimdall nodded. "Of course, Odinson. But know that I am here." His golden eyes took on a somber cast as he watched Thor walk along the bridge before twirling the hammer and taking flight toward the distant palace.

Frigga walked toward the balcony as Thor softly landed on it. She held out her hands, taking his and squeezing them. She smiled up at her son. "Come, sit with me."

Thor followed his mother into the large and ornate room, finding a seat near her. He rested Mjolnir near him and grew quiet, thoughtful. Frigga poured wine for him into a silver cup and offered it. He accepted it with a grateful smile and drank.

"Son, you are troubled."

Thor grinned. "I have only been on Asgard for five minutes and I have already heard that phrase spoken twice."

Frigga shrugged demurely. "Heimdall is our watcher, after all. And I don't think I have to explain my perception."

"True," Thor muttered.

"You have the look of love upon you. The mortal, Dean, has stolen your heart."

Thor perked up at the mention of Dean's name. He set the silver cup down and began to explain the turn of events between himself and Dean. He spoke of Dean's opening heart, his family.

"It would appear that this love you share with him has changed things for you," Frigga observed. "What had once begun as an affair has now become more- and it has awakened a realization."

"Dean is mortal," Thor spoke plainly. "Of course I will outlive him. I had thought it would not matter at first because I did not realize how close we would become."

"If you are here to ask me about the Garden of Idunn, you must know that only Odin has the final say on such an affair."

Thor closed his eyes and nodded knowingly. "Father told me that I should look for love on Asgard instead. He would not accept my request. And I am not entirely sure that Dean would partake."

Frigga smiled sadly. "Mortals do not see life the same as us. It is understandable that Dean would be reluctant to take the fruit of the garden. He has an entire family, friends. All of them are mortal, like him. The notion of becoming immortal, of watching them all grow old and die- it would be a hard decision to make. You must understand that even if Odin were to grant the mortal access to Idunn's Garden...he may not wish to do this."

Thor smiled sadly. "Yes, I know."

Frigga took his hand again. "What will you do?"

Another sad smile graced his face. "I will enjoy the time we share with each other. And hope."

Frigga stood and hugged her son tightly against her. "Hope is one of the most powerful forces in the world. Second only to love. And you have both, son. Hold on tightly to those and do not give up on either."

Thor allowed himself to be consoled by Frigga. He held her and allowed her to support him.

"Oh, my son," Frigga spoke in a voice thick with emotion. "It has been so long since you sought me out for comfort."

"I was still a boy. Father had shown me how to wield a sword. He told me about the old wars, and those to come. He told me that they would fall to me."

"And you came to me and climbed into my arms," Frigga continued. "My golden little boy with storms in his eyes. You held me tightly and told me how scared you were. How you felt that you could never be the mighty warrior Odin would have you be."

"Then you sang to me. You sang the songs of your home." He smiled, cleared his throat, and began to sing in a low, deep voice. "Free of the cold's oppressive blight, the people were safe under the angel's light."

Frigga could feel her eyes welling with tears. "You remember," she whispered in a quivering voice.

Thor looked up into her eyes and smiled. "Always, mother. I will never forget. I am only sorry I have not sought you out for comfort more. There have been many times I wanted to. But I was...the Lion of Asgard."

"And now you've learned that there is power in vulnerability," Frigga deduced. "Oh, Thor, I am so happy that you have fallen in love with Dean. That mortal is powerful, son. Powerful enough to stir the heart of the mightiest warrior on Asgard. And teach him things he never would have thought possible."

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