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Over the next several weeks, Dean found it easier to open up during his sessions with Dr. Rose. She had a very keen way of pointing things out that he didn't notice in his behavior, his mannerisms, and the things he would say.

"Going into the facility like that, despite it self-destructing, was a very brave thing to do. I'm sure the injured scientist and his family are grateful to you for being such a hero."

"Well, for every one civilian I saved, Thor and Iron Man grabbed, like, fifty or so."

"You shrink yourself a lot," she noted. "I just complimented you and you shrugged it off. In fact, every time I compliment you that seems to be your response."

"I didn't notice," Dean answered in a thoughtful voice.

"Of course not- it's become such a large chunk of who you are. So, tell me something great about you. Compliment yourself. And if you make a jab at yourself or use that trademark self-deprecating humor in any way, shape or form, you fail the assignment."

"Fail?" Dean asked with a playful scowl. "I didn't realize I was being graded."

"I will mark through this note with big red ink," Dr. Rose mock-threatened.

Dean folded his arms across his chest. "Wow. Shots fired. Trigger some elementary school anxiety. You wouldn't."

"Try me," Dr. Rose joked as she pulled a red ink pen from beside her.

"Okay." Dean paused and drifted into his thoughts. "Well, Thor thinks I'm-"

"Not Thor. I don't want to know what Thor thinks. It's very clear that he thinks you hung the moon and most of the stars. I want to know what you think about yourself."

"Okay, this is hard," he admitted. He looked at Dr. Rose with defeat. "I can't think of anything."

"Dig deep."

Dean stared at a design in the rug. "Well, I can fight well. I'm fast on my feet. I'm stronger than I look."

Dr. Rose nodded. "A good start. So you would say you feel confident in those things?"

"I mean...not over-confident. But I feel like I'm strong in those areas."

"Alright. Now...what about something more internal?"

Again there was hesitation. He smiled at Dr. Rose after several heartbeats of silence. "I'm incredibly emotional. I feel things are a lot stronger than some people. I remember once in the third grade we went to a farm for a field trip. I remember when they showed us the cows. I just...god...I haven't thought about this in years."

"Thought about what?"

"So I'm a vegetarian. I think I told you that."


"Okay, so go with me on this. I grew up on a farm. It's not a huge one or anything- just a hobby farm. Mom and dad had different kinds of animals that were basically just pets they took care of. So I've always loved animals and felt comfortable around them. Probably more than I do most people. Anyway...cows are kind of like dogs. Not many people realize that. But they can be really affectionate. Very gentle and actually kind of emotional."

Dr. Rose smiled. "Gandhi called cows 'a poem of compassion'".

Dean nodded and Dr. Rose took note of the emotion that filled his face. "So, I'm standing there with my classmates, and the farmer is explaining how the cows live, what they eat. I was kind of bored with that because I already knew those things. So I was only paying attention to the cows while they played.

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