15-This is Who I Am

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The highway was ablaze with danger across each lane as Mongoose sped through the traffic on his motorcycle.

"This is just like that Keanu Reeves movie," Hawkeye remarked as he pursued in the quinjet.

"Yeah, just no bomb...that we know of," Widow added as she raced through traffic.

"Cap, you doing alright?" Hawkeye asked him to observe Cap's melee with the terrorists on the bus.

"Fine, just keep pursuing!" Cap grunted as he deflected the blast with his shield and dodged an array of attacks from his growing number of enemies. One of the terrorists drew a blade and tried for a stab at his abdomen. Cap seized the wrist and tossed the man aside, sending him hurtling onto the street.

"Everyone get on him! Quit it with the one at a time bullshit!" one of the others shouted. The men took direction and they each swarmed the super soldier. Cap rolled his eyes, took a deep breath and grabbed the collar of the nearest attacker. He spun, using the man's flailing body to knock several others off of the roof before raising the man up over his head and threw him toward the rifle-bearer.

A shot from the rifle struck the airborne man before he could collide with him, sending the man blasting off of the bus. Cap took advantage of the distraction and advanced on the enemy. He flipped him over his shoulder before ducking to avoid a strike from the rifle. He slammed the flat of his shield against his side, then took hold of the rifle with his free hand.

Widow darted between two cars and came out on the other side directly behind one of the vehicles accompanying the bus. Once she was close enough, she leaped up off of the seat of the bike and jumped onto the side of the car.

"That bitch is in the car!" one of the thugs bellowed as he reached out to shoot at her.

Widow grabbed his wrist and threw herself through the window and on top of him. "Awe, now that's not very nice," she sighed as she threw an elbow into the stunned thug's mouth before firing a widow sting at the passenger.

"Get her out of here!" the driver ordered.

Widow leaned forward and opened the door before kicking the stunned enemy out of the vehicle, sending him skidding across the asphalt before turning her attention to the driver.


"He's busy eating pavement," Widow said as she slipped across the seats and hit the driver with a sting to the side of his face. The car began to swerve as his nervous system was short-circuited. Widow opened his door and pitched him out with a nonchalant shove before shutting the door and regaining control of the vehicle. "Widow to team, I'm in the big grey SUV so no friendly fire, please and thanks."

"I see you," Hawkeye reported before turning his attention to Mongoose. "Mongoose, you better speed up."

Mongoose unleashed the clutch of his bike and roared through traffic. "Working on it. These civvies aren't making it easy though."

"You're going to lose them," Hawkeye cautioned.

"No I'm not," Mongoose retorted as he steered the bike up to the fleet of cars surrounding the bus. Reaching into his utility belt, he yanked a magnetic grenade free and drove up close. "If we can't penetrate the shields with projectiles, we'll just have to be more direct."

When he was within touching distance, he slapped the grenade on the side of the car and sped into the lane nearest the edge of the freeway in time to escape detonation. The grenade ignited, tossing the car several feet into the air before sending it slamming back to the road in a fiery mass.

Mongoose smirked. "Enjoy that."

"Need a ride, Goosey?" Widow asked as she moved up alongside Mongoose.

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