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"Nice shirt," Tony complimented as Dean and Thor entered the elevator with the rest of the team.

"Thank you," Thor said as he looked down at the shirt again. "Dean tells me Van Halen is a rock and roll band."

Tony nodded with approval. "Remind me when we get back and I'll play some of their stuff for you."

"We should go shopping after dinner," Natasha suggested. "Get Thor a new wardrobe for when he's on earth with us."

"I can't believe I didn't even think of seeing what size you are so I could have had more for you to wear," Dean said. "I guess I've been so focused on everything with the tower."

Before Thor could say anything, Clint chimed in. "Well, of course you didn't think of clothes for him; you're probably thinking more about ways to get him out of clothes."

Thor grinned at Dean as he looked at the floor and blushed. Were it not for the others being present, he would have taken the beautiful mortal then and there. He loved to see him blush, especially when he was the cause.

"This is a sports bar. I think you'll like it," Tony explained as he secured a large table.

His estimation was far from wrong. Thor was entranced with the entire atmosphere. The loud sports fans, the panoramic view of televisions, and the rock music that spilled from the sound system were immediately drawing him in.

Thor took a seat beside Dean and laid a big hand on his bare thigh. "I have missed you," he whispered.

"I missed you too."

"So, Thor, what's going on with Loki?" Steve asked. "What happened?"

"He was sentenced to the Isle of Silence."

Steve's brow furrowed. "The Isle of Silence?"

"It is a distant place where prisoners cannot hear. It is a frightfully quiet place where one could easily go mad from the constant silence." Thor's face became distant and somber.

"I'm sorry, Thor," Steve apologized. "I didn't mean to open the wound."

"It's alright. I just wish I had known his feelings sooner that I might have helped him."

Natasha pursed her lips. "I don't know if you could have even if you'd known. Loki seemed like he had a lot of resentment in him. I don't think he would have let that go."

Thor nodded. "That's what father has said."

Clint picked up a menu and looked over the appetizers. "So, Dean, you met the parents?"

Dean nodded. "Very briefly. Things were kind of crazy that day."

The waitress arrived to take drink orders. Once again, Thor mocked the weakness of mortal drink.

"You're going to have to make good on that promise of bringing some of your stuff for us then, man," Clint said as he raised his mug to Thor.

Thor drank several large mugs of beer without achieving anything more than a whimsical buzz. He ate several things from the menu and Dean could only watch with awe as he enjoyed each item.

Bruce's jaw hung open. "I don't think I've ever seen someone eat that much in one go."

"Asgardians have large appetites," Thor explained.

"What did you think?" Tony asked

"That was delicious," Thor sighed as he finished the last of his large meal.

The waitress came to collect the plates, a shocked expression on her face as she stacked each empty plate on her tray. "Can I get you anything else, sir?" she asked with a hint of iciness. Clearly waiting on Thor in addition to the others had been an imposition.

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