5-Afterglow (NSFW)

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By the time they had finished, Dean was so tired he was close to passing out. His body felt like it had been completely depleted to the point that he could scarcely move. Time didn't seem to exist. Concepts like that were lost to the heavy, incredible blanket of euphoria that had spread across him. He lay in a paralytic state and reflected that, as far as first times go, this would have to rank very highly.

"Lover?" Thor asked as he lay on his side and rubbed his hand up and down Dean's thigh. The warmth that pulsed from the Asgardian seemed to fill him.

"I can't move," Dean spoke in a breathless voice.

"I wasn't too rough with you, was I?" The concern in Thor's voice spread to his eyes as he moved so that he could see Dean's face better.

"Not at all. I'm just completely spent. In the first place, I've never had sex. But I just had sex with a god. So that's probably what some would consider biting off more than they can chew."

Thor chuckled lightly and pulled Dean close to his chest. "You are incredible, Fair One."

"How many times did we?"

"I lost count," Thor confessed. "Not nearly enough."

"Well, you're going to have to wait until I've recovered," Dean groaned. "I'll be amazed if I can walk tomorrow. If you're going to do that to me then the least you can do is let me sleep."

"I'll permit you a brief respite."

Dean curled into the curve of Thor's body and kissed his chest. "So generous."

"The son of Odin can be quite generous to his worshipers."

"Oh? And what other perks do I get for worshiping you?"

"You will find out, Fair One. Now, sleep."

Thor watched Dean as he slept, taking note of how he loved being completely enfolded and held tightly. It made Thor recall his earliest days when he was afraid of the Frost Giants. It was humorous to think of those days now- days when he was very small and afraid of such beings. His father would tell him tales of battle, of blood and steel. He would pull a brave face for Odin, knowing even at an early age what would be expected of him.

When he had his fill of these tales of horrors and brutality, he used to climb into his mother's arms and take refuge in her embrace. She would hold him tight against her and tell him stories of angels and of love, magic and everlasting goodness. She would calm the storm of fear and sing him the songs of her people. As he grew older, he sought out this comfort less frequently, but he still carried the songs in his heart when he went to battle, holding as tightly to them as he did Mjolnir.

Moonlight fell across them and in its soft glow, Thor sang in a low voice. It had been a long time since he sang a song other than the drunken victory ballads he and his warrior brethren would sing in the halls of Asgard. The words of the song told the story of an angel whose light was so radiant that it spread far across a winter's night, bringing warmth and peace to the people as they slept.

"Free of the cold's oppressive blight, safe and warm under the angel's light."

Dean woke very briefly in the night to the sound of Thor singing in a low, gentle voice. Caught between the worlds of wake and sleep, he thought he must be dreaming at first. He lay still and silent as he listened to the words, sang in a language he didn't understand. He could feel the vibration of Thor's chest as he sang the words. Choosing not to interrupt the delicate moment, Dean allowed himself to melt away to sleep again, the soft words taking him to his dreams.

The following morning, Dean awakened to sunlight falling across him. He looked up at Thor's sleeping face and grinned excitedly. It hadn't been a dream. The whole thing had happened. Multiple times. He slowly drew the sheet up and over him as he stealthily maneuvered so that he was able to creep down Thor's body. Arriving at his prize, he smiled deviously and began to wake Thor with his mouth. His oral attention didn't take long to harden him and soon Thor's manhood was standing very tall and very firm. It was one thing to see it in the dim lighting of the bathroom or the moonlight in the bedroom. But beholding it in the light of day yielded an entirely new perspective. The fact that he was able to even take him was shocking. He held the shaft firmly and began to drag his tongue across Thor's balls, proportionate to the rest of him.

He moved back up to the head and took it in his mouth, moving slowly up and down. As he worked, he was so focused he didn't notice until it was too late that Thor was wide awake and far from willing to lay back and take a passive role. The god sat up and grabbed him. He dragged him back up to him.

"And what are you up to, lover?" Thor growled as he rolled so that he was on top of him.

"Just trying to wake you up," Dean spoke in an innocent voice.

Thor nodded. "Well...I am awake now. What will you do about it?"

Dean wrapped his legs around Thor's waist and grinned. "I was going to see if you felt like doing it again. If you can handle me, of course."

Thor shook his head, amused by his lover's spirit. "Lover...you need to take care with your words and actions, lest you invoke the full force of the Odinson."

Dean smiled defiantly. "Oh, I think I can handle the full force of the Odinson." He reached for Thor's cock and guided it where he needed it to be. "I'm not afraid."

Dean came to breakfast later in the morning with a smile plastered across his face. As he poured coffee and reached for a cereal box, he found himself humming a little tune. He danced around the kitchen, oblivious as Natasha walked in. She immediately tilted her head and smiled knowingly.

"So...you're chipper today," she observed as she took some coffee. "You must have slept really well."

"You could say that." Dean carried his cereal and coffee across the room to the large breakfast nook as Clint, Tony and Steve walked in.

"He's in a good mood," Steve observed as he began serving himself from the freshly-made breakfast that waited for them.

"Yeah, what's wrong with him?" Tony asked as he watched Dean move as if he were walking on air. "Don't tell me he's one of those morning people."

Natasha shook her head. "I don't think that's why he's in such a good mood."

Tony smiled in Dean's direction. "So, Thor went on a wild goose chase last night," he remarked as he went over to the table.

Dean looked up from his coffee and blushed lightly. "Good morning."

Tony reached out and ruffled Dean's hair. "Way to go. You and Big Thunder have a good night?"

At that moment, Thor walked into the kitchen dressed in some pajamas he had gotten during the mall visit- a pair of mesh shorts and a snug tank top. The room went quiet as everyone watched the new lovers' reactions to each other. Dean smiled into his cereal. Thor began piling scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and biscuits on a plate, his eyes scarcely leaving Dean.

"So, Thor. Was your bed comfortable as the ones on Asgard?" Tony asked.

"Quite," Thor answered as he winked at Dean and moved to sit beside him at the table.

Bruce was the last to walk into the kitchen. As he made his breakfast, he looked at the others with a suspicious eye. "Is everything alright? You guys are all acting weird."

"Oh, I think everything is good," Clint said as he bit into a slice of bacon.

"Yeah. Lovely morning, wouldn't you say Dean?" Tony asked.

Dean looked at the others. "Yeah...it is."

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