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The Hazard Room was truly a modern marvel of technology. The massive room could become any battlefield, manifest any enemy type, through the use of holographic imagery. But these holograms weren't simply the product of light and sound. No, they were tangible creations. Tony had explained that the holograms were actually tightly packed photons, which accounted for the solidity of them.

"So this room can actually produce real threats," Natasha said as Tony finished explaining the science behind the room.

"Yes and no. The holograms are definitely tangible, but the threat level is determined by a very advanced AI."

"We call her Jolene," Bruce cut in.

"Why Jolene?" Clint asked.

Tony shrugged. "Dolly was on the radio when I was developing it. Anyway, Jolene directly controls the Hazard Room and maintains failsafes."

"How does she do that?" Dean asked. He couldn't help but feel a bit skeptical about trusting his safety to a machine.

Bruce turned to a terminal and pointed. "Jolene uses that to monitor the vital signs of anyone in the room. If she detects that you're in danger, she will automatically abort whatever training program you're using."

"So this AI isn't going to go psychopathic and trap us in the Hazard Room?" Natasha asked.

Tony rolled his eyes. "You've seen too many movies. Look, it's the perfect means of honing skills without causing a crap-load of damage."

Thor looked out the large window and into the massive Hazard Room with a bored expression. "On Asgard the warriors train together. We spar with each other."

"I don't think some of us would benefit from sparring with you, Thor," Bruce said with a smile. "Well, my alter ego might enjoy thrashing you."

"We are in need of a rematch," Thor agreed.

Bruce put his hands and smiled. "Just name the time."

Tony took a seat at the control center and cracked his knuckles. "So, the three of you want to give it a try?" he asked as he looked at Dean, Natasha and Clint.

Clint looked at his watch and shook his head. "Can't do, guy. I've got a prior engagement."

"A prior engagement?" Tony asked, pretending to be offended.

Clint gave a playful wink before walking out of the observation bay and down the stainless steel corridor.

Tony shook his head. "Well, I guess we know what his priorities are."

Dean and Natasha exchanged a knowing smile.

"What about the rest of you?" Tony asked as he tapped the keyboard.

"Sure, I'll bite," Natasha said. "Since we left S.H.I.E.L.D. it's been a minute since I punched something. Dean?"

Dean shrugged. "Why not?"

Thor stood at the window and peered through the thick sheet of protective glass as Dean and Natasha entered the Hazard Room. Tony booted up a basic sparring session for the two of them to try out. While Dean fought, Thor watched his body move with equal parts grace, precision and danger. Despite their night and morning of passion, he felt his body responding again.

"The two of you make a good couple," Bruce observed.

Thor smiled. "Well, Dean is special."

"It's nice to see the effect you have on him," Tony said. "He's like a different person when you're around. Lighter...happy. All that stuff."

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