19-Inescapable Truth

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Dean received a clean bill of health after a visit to the infirmary. He went up to his bedroom and slowly, gently, lowered himself onto his couch and Biscuit promptly lay down next to him. Though nothing was broken, Amora had certainly bruised and battered him. As he lay on his couch he contemplated Amora. Despite her attack on him he couldn't help but notice the tragedy of her story. Of course, it became less tragic when compared to the lives she had taken.

"Knock knock," Natasha said as she walked into the suite with two margaritas. "I thought you might appreciate a drink so I mixed up a little something for you."

"I'm so excited about this," Dean groaned as he sat up and accepted the glass.

"Asgardians seem to fixate on your ass. They either want to kick it or fuck it."

"Shut the hell up," Dean chuckled. He took a big gulp of the drink. "I was just thinking about her story. Thor told me that she was the daughter of this really old, really reclusive aristocratic family. She was betrothed to Thor but he didn't want her so the betrothal was called off. Thor never really gave it much thought, but apparently Amora never forgot."

Natasha set her drink on a coaster and folded her legs up in front of her. "What a tired archetype. Jealous woman scorned."

"Can you imagine being so obsessed with being a queen that you derail your entire existence over it?"

"I know! Think of what she could have accomplished if she hadn't wasted all her time trying to beat your ass."

"Don't make me laugh," Dean begged as he hugged his sides. "I'm so sore."

"Well, make sure you tell Thor to take care."

"Oh, I intend to," Thor said as he walked into the suite and knelt beside Dean. "How are you?"

"Sore but alive. I should be grateful for that considering...Dr. Rose."

"You know it's not your fault, right?" Natasha asked.

Dean nodded. "I know. None of what happened today is anyone's fault but Amora's. They were her choices."

Natasha stood up and clinked her glass against Dean's. "I'll drink to that. And I think I'll head out. Get some rest," she added as she knelt and planted a kiss on Dean's cheek.

Thor had left the room for a moment as Natasha said goodbye. After she closed the door behind her, Dean heard the sound of running water. Thor walked back in and lifted him off of the couch with a gentleness that Dean had come to expect.

"I love how you can be so gentle. Anyone who didn't know you would think you were always a brute."

"I save my gentle side for you," he said as he set Dean down in the large bathroom and began to pour epsom salt into the running water. The visual of Thor in all of his armor and cape drawing him a bath made Dean smile. He stood and began to take Dean's clothes off. He almost told Thor that he was capable of undressing but decided to lean into this. Thor's language of love was clearly a mixture of acts of service and touch. Why interrupt him when he was displaying his love? Thor lifted him up again and laid him down in the water.

"That feels so good," Dean sighed.

"Not too hot?"


Thor sat down on the floor and leaned over the side of the tub. His eyes drank in the sight of Dean's naked body. "It's a shame you're so sore."

Dean shut his eyes and inhaled the steamy air. "Is sex all you think about?" he asked in a playful voice. When Thor didn't respond he opened his eyes to find Thor sitting silently, his eyes once again pensive. Dean sat up and scooted so that he was looking directly at Thor's face. "What's wrong?"

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