4-Further Towards Ecstasy (NSFW)

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Suddenly there were two very large hands touching his waist, gripping it gently from behind. Dean was startled and jumped in surprise.

"I'm sorry!" Thor apologized hastily as Dean spun around to come face to face with the thunder god. Wearing nothing but a smile and Dean's dog tags. "I only meant to join you in your shower."

Dean was eye level with Thor's chest and found himself hypnotized by the beads of water that trickled down the smooth, firm pecs. "Uh...hi..." he spoke in a tremulous voice.

"Relax, Fair One," Thor spoke in a gentle voice as he reached out for the bar of soap. "I've come to wash you."

Dean was frozen, unable to form a response as Thor causally began to work up a lather and wash him. "You don't have to do that," he spoke in a nervous voice.

Thor shook his head. "Nonsense!" He leaned in closer so that his body was pressed against Dean's. "If we're to be lovers then we should know each others bodies well."

Dean could only stand in silence as Thor continued to massage the suds across his body. He had started at his shoulders before moving to his arms. He inhaled deeply as Thor's skillful fingers moved across his chest and back before dropping to his abdomen.

"You must relax," Thor repeated when Dean flinched. "Let me take care of you."

"I just never imagined that a god would be...tending to me."

Thor grinned as he rubbed his hands along Dean's waist, gripping it gently. The way his hands could easily clasp around the his waist conveyed the size difference between them. His cock stirred, as he loved being larger than his lover. "It's what lovers do."

"Lovers," Dean repeated, still stuck on that word.

"Of course," Thor said with a wink. His hands moved below Dean's waistline and his body could only respond to the stimulation. Thor looked into Dean's eyes and raised an eyebrow. "It would appear that your manhood cannot be contained either, Fair One," he murmured.

"Yeah..." Dean replied in an awkward voice as he averted his eyes. He knew he had to be ten shades of red. Thor, the god of thunder, was telling him that he was hung. He would add that to the growing list of things he never would have imagined happening.

Then Thor's soapy hands were on his backside and the entire world felt like it was caving in. The thunder god kneaded and massaged in slow, deliberate motions.

"I could keep my hands on your body for hours," Thor sighed. "Your ass is...I have no words."

The god's continued compliments and physical attention were pushing him further towards ecstasy. Dean's knees were weak and he wrapped his arms around Thor's neck to steady himself.

"Yes...relax, Fair One, and let me tend to you," Thor whispered as he squeezed Dean against him.

"You're very good at this."

"Yes, I know," Thor replied in a matter-of-fact tone. "You'll see more when I make love to you." Again, very matter-of-fact.

Dean sighed as Thor continued to work his muscles over.

"And I will. But you must know that you're special to me, Fair One. You are not merely a conquest. I wish for you to know that- to truly understand my intentions- before I bed you."

"I trust you," Dean said. Those words could be dangerous, Dean knew. But he felt them all the same. Here was a man who spoke his truth. There were no smoke and mirror games where Thor was concerned.

There were so many sensations to take in that he could only process one at a time. The solidness of Thor's powerful body. The feel of his soapy hands gliding over his skin. The pressure of a rather imposing slab of flesh against him. A dizzying sensation spread through him. He looked down between them to find it pointed up at him, trapped between their bodies. Thick, long, and staring right at him. Yup- his manhood was definitely not containable.

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