10-Staying Over

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Dean opened up the door to his old bedroom and Thor followed him across the threshold. He stood in the center of the room and looked around at the walls and the furnishings, taking in everything around him. The room had light blue wallpaper with a border of sailboats and book shelves lined with various works of fiction as well as framed pictures of Dean on the swim and cross country teams throughout the years. Thor walked up and took a picture to look at.

"You were an accomplished athlete, your father says," Thor remarked as he looked fondly at the photo.

"Dad likes to brag," Dean said as he stood next to him. "But I was pretty good."

Thor set the picture frame back on the shelf and pulled Dean against him. "Thank you for this."

"For what?" Dean asked.

"For opening more of your life to me. This was a special day for me." Thor took him by the hand and led him to the bed. They sat down together and Thor looked deeply into his eyes. "I have been feeling for a while now that there is a part of you that you keep hidden. I don't know if you're afraid to show it, or if you're ashamed of it. But I want to see it. I want you to know that you can show it to me."

"This was a special day for me too," Dean said as he rubbed his hands up and down Thor's bare arms. "Do you want to get out of this armor? It can't be comfortable." At the insistence of the kids, he had put it back on for their flight on his back.

Thor smiled and leaned closer. "You just want to get me naked, Dean."

"Well, of course." Dean removed the cape first, then worked at opening the clasps of the chest piece. He worked slowly, taking his time to remove every trace of Thor's armor until the god stood naked before him.

"Well, now you have me naked, Fair One. What will you do with me?"

"I can think of a few things. But for now, I'm going to hand you some pajamas to wear because mom and dad are going to want us to sit with them for a little while. They want to play a card game."

Thor smiled. "Very well. What do I get if I win this game?"

Dean leaned in and took his earlobe between his lips. "Win, lose or draw, you get to sleep with me tonight."

"A sufficient prize."

Dean walked over to the dresser and began removing his clothes, taking extra care to make sure Thor caught a full view.

"What are you doing?" Thor asked in a husky voice.

Dean looked carelessly over his shoulder and made a display of dropping his shirt. He leaned forward to pick it up, a smile playing on his lips. Suddenly the god was right behind him, pressing his naked body against him. "Teasing me can be dangerous, Fair One."

Dean turned around and wrapped his arms around his neck. "I hope so. What kind of punishments do you have in store?"

Thor grinned and kissed him. "Nothing too intense tonight, unfortunately. I don't want your parents to waken in the night to the lustful screams of their youngest son."

"I'm sure I'll have no problem keeping quiet."

Thor looked at him with lusty eyes. "Fair One...it's amusing how you pretend that my cock doesn't have power over you." He paused and looked at him with curiosity. "By the way...what is a 'tossed salad'? Your brother said it and you blushed."

Dean leaned into Thor and whispered in his ear and the god smiled broadly at the explanation.

Later that night the two of them lay in Dean's old bed, wrapped in each other's arms. The love they made had been slow and gentle, punctuated by soft moans as their bodies moved against each other. It was proof for Dean that even the god of thunder could be especially gentle. As they lay basking in the haze, Dean looked up at Thor.

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