16-Midnight (NSFW)

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Midnight found Dean wrapped in Thor's arms, a sheet tossed haphazardly over their naked bodies. The storm of their love had reached a feverish crescendo, and now Dean was adrift in a state of euphoria. This powerful, incredible man in his arms was truly there for him- not the construct he often had to present to others, but him. Knowing this only made the feelings between them more intense. He squeezed Thor's torso and pressed his face into his chest, loving that warmth that always radiated from him.

"Making love to you is incredible," Thor murmured as he rubbed his hands slowly along Dean's skin, leaving warm trails in their wake.

Dean suddenly sat up a little and looked at Thor's face. "Thor, I need to apologize to you. I feel like I've been selfish. I've been so wrapped up in myself and I don't feel like I've really acknowledged what you're going through. With Loki's exile."

"Fair One, it's alright. I am alright."

Dean straddled him and sat up, his hands lightly moving along Thor's chest. "You have that thousand yard stare going on. You get that way some nights when you think I'm sleeping."

Thor smiled. "Well, perhaps I don't wish to burden you with my troubles."

"What would you say if I told you that?"

"I would tell you that I wish you would open up to me."

"So...open up to me. Even mighty warrior princes need to talk about their feelings sometimes."

Thor sat up and hugged Dean against him. "Loki was my best friend. I loved him and still do. I'll always think of him as my brother, no matter what truths have been told. And because of that, I look at my lack of awareness into his pain and find myself questioning what sort of brother I actually was. If I'd truly cared, wouldn't I have seen it?"

Dean took in what Thor was saying, listening intently as he conveyed this sense of guilt. "Thor," he said after the Asgardian had gone silent. "I know you feel responsible in some ways. Yes, you may have been oblivious to his suffering, but you can't read his mind, can you?"

Thor shook his head slowly. "No. I cannot read minds," he chuckled.

"I think it's unfair for Loki, or you, to put all of the blame on you. Because he could have spoken to you about how he felt at any time. Did he ever come to you and say 'gee, Thor, I feel really overshadowed by you. Oh, and I also found out that we aren't actually brothers and Odin took me from my home and raised me as a son, and now I'm feeling even less adequate and the pain is unbearable for me'?" He left out any trace of resentment he felt about Loki for Thor's sake. Thor may mourn the loss of his brother, but Dean mourned the loss of life at Loki's hands.

Thor grinned sadly. "No, Fair One. He didn't."

"What would you have done if Loki had come to you and told you the truth? Told you how much he was hurting inside?"

Thor didn't hesitate in his response. "I would have done anything to make it right."

Dean laid his hands on Thor's chest, just above his heart. "Because you're one of the purest and most loving people there is. You would never intentionally harm anyone. You and I both know that."

Thor shrugged. "Well, depending on the circumstances."

"I'm talking about emotionally. It's not within you to do that."

"I suppose not."

"Maybe you need to forgive yourself. You know in your heart that you would have made it right if you'd only known. But you didn't know, so you couldn't."

Thor moved so that they were laying side by side, their bodies turned toward each other. He clasped Dean's hand in his and rubbed his thumb along his knuckle in a slow, soft motion. His thoughts fell to the conversation he'd had with his mother and he smiled. No, it wasn't the right time to approach the subject. Not yet. Instead, he leaned in and said "I love you."

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