11-Seeking Help

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When Camilla entered her room she had to restrain a gasp upon finding Amora laying across her bed. The Asgardian witch was looking through Camilla's journal, an amused expression on her frighteningly beautiful face.

"Mortals really are such...emotional creatures," she mused as she tossed the journal over her shoulder.

Camilla stooped to pick it up, making sure to fix the pages that had been folded from the impact. "It's what journals are for, recording emotions," she spoke in a soft voice, her eyes kept low.

Amora rose from the bed and threw her blond hair back from her bare shoulder. "Camilla? Is this defiance in your voice? How positively delicious of you. Though it is amusing when a fly tries to stand its ground before a spider. How do you suppose that ends?"

Camilla looked away. "Not well for the fly."

Amora smiled. "Now then...tell me of the Odinson and his pet."

Camilla explained to Amora that Dean and Thor had been away since the prior afternoon. "I overheard Mr. Stark saying that they wouldn't be back until later today. They were staying at Dean's parents' house."

"Mingling with the mortals. Playing at being one of them. Could he be more pathetic?"

Camilla found herself wanting to ask why Amora needed the assistance of a mortal if she held them in such disdain. Thinking it best not to voice that, she instead remained quiet.

"When will our ill-fated lovers be returning?"

"I heard that they'll be coming back by early afternoon."

Amora folded her arms across her chest. "Good. Keep me informed, won't you?"

"Yes," Camilla spoke without showing any of the hesitation she felt in her heart.

"Mr. Allen?" Camilla asked as she walked into the common room where the Avengers were gathered.

Dean looked up from the board game he was playing with the others and smiled. "What's up?"

Guilt gnawed at her core but she hid it with a demure smile. "I just wanted to show you the new furniture that arrived for your room." She looked at the others and her smile became apologetic. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt."

Tony waved a hand. "Don't worry about it, Dean was close to solving Clue anyway."

"Don't act like you don't already know that it was Mr. Green in the study with the lead pipe," Dean called over his shoulder.

Tony shrugged and smiled at the others. "Yeah, basically. I clocked it the first few moves."

"You're the worst to play board games with," Natasha groaned.

Thor looked down at his cards and lay them on the board. "Dean and I played a card game called Crazy Eights last night with his parents."

Natasha raised an eyebrow and shared a smile with Steve.

"What?" Thor asked.

Natasha leaned back "Oh nothing. Just that you've mentioned Dean's parents a lot since you got back. One might think you had a great time."

Thor looked up as Dean walked away with Camilla. "I'm happy," he said, his voice taking on a carefree quality.

"He is too," Natasha said. "Really. I've never seen Dean this genuinely happy."

"As you can see, your quarters have been fully furnished. I can have anything moved where you'd like, of course," Camilla spoke in a nervous voice as she showed Dean the modern furnishings.

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