9-Home Movies

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The seating arrangement proved to be a controversial subject in the Allen household. After much arguing, and a little bit of pouting, it was decided that the two youngest, Sarah and Caleb could sit on either side of Thor, who had changed into jeans and a white t-shirt. Dean sat across from him, between Grace and Matthew. The large dining room table was filled with salad, baskets of garlic bread, casserole dishes of lasagna (one small vegetarian for Dean), and an assortment of wines. When Rosie had learned that a prince and god was going to be in attendance, she raided the wine cellar.

"And for dessert there's a spice cake with buttercream frosting," she declared as she sat at one end of the table and smiled at everyone.

Thor smiled as plates of lasagna were passed around. Having never eaten the dish before, he was very excited to try it. Soon, he had tucked into his plate, clearly enjoying the experience.

"Don't be shy, Thor," Rosie said from down the table. "I made plenty."

Matt accepted the salad bowl, dishing some out for himself before passing it to Dean. "You want a tossed salad, little bro?" he asked with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows.

Dean attempted to conceal his embarrassment. Thor looked on with curiosity and Dean shook his head at him to avoid an awkward conversation.

"Matt!" his wife, Jess hissed as she elbowed him before whispering "behave yourself."

Matt smiled petulantly at Dean and mouthed an "I'm sorry."

Jack cleared his throat and gave Matthew a stern eye before brightening once more. "So, this Avengers business- it's not too dangerous is it, son?"

"No more dangerous than S.H.I.E.L.D.," Dean reasoned. "The pay and benefits are better too."

Jack laughed. "Well, the Avengers are funded by Tony Stark. Those Starks certainly have no shortage of funds, so I'm not surprised." He looked at Thor. "You know, Rosie and I are retired S.H.I.E.L.D. agents."

"Yes," Thor said as he accepted another helping of lasagna. "Dean told me the two of you were warriors as well."

Rosie chuckled. "Well, I don't know if we could ever be confused for warriors."

Dean had to admit, if he didn't know it himself, he'd never have pegged either parent as an operative.

"You know, I do miss it sometimes," Rosie went on. "Sometimes when I'm cleaning up the kitchen, I look at the knife block and think to myself 'Rosie, once upon a time you were throwing knives at people and now you're cooking with them'".

"Mother!" Janet groaned as she looked from Rosie to the kids.

Rosie rolled her eyes. "Oh, Janet, don't be a wet blanket."

"Yeah, Janet, don't be a wet blanket," Jason chimed in.

Janet gave him a withering gaze. "Excuse me if I don't want to talk about violence at the dinner table in front of the kids."

"Janet, the kids love violence," her husband, Drew, remarked before quickly avoiding her gaze and looking at Thor. "So, Thor, what kind of work do you do back home?"

Dean fought the urge to laugh and looked over at Samantha, who was giggling into her napkin. They shared a conspiratorial look and Dean winked at her.

"Well, as the prince and future king of Asgard, I work at waging war against enemies who would threaten any of the nine realms," Thor explained as he poured another glass of wine. He raised the glass in Rosie's direction and said, "the wine is delicious," before returning to his narrative. "My friends and I, along with our armies, would travel to any one of the realms that required our aid. We did battle with frost giants, dark elves...trolls even."

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