1. My name is y/n

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Y/n felt a bit sick as she stared at the scarlett coloured train infront of her.

"Why did we have to move mum?" y/n sighed.

"Y/n we have gone over it so many times, your dad got a great deal for a job in the ministry of Magic and has obviously taken it. Don't ask again!" Y/n's mother growled.

"Anastasia dear, bare in mind she has to start a completely new school without any of her friends".

"Maurice stop, she'll be fine won't you y/n".

"But I won't be able to function without Noah and Maya" Y/n snapped back.

Y/n and her mother had never had that 'daughter and mother relationship' that maya was always taking about, but then again she was very close to her dad as they were interested in the same things and had the same s/c skin and e/c eyes.

"Right I'm sorry darling - have lots of fun, make lots of friends, stay out of trouble and get good grades" Anastasia smiled.

Anastasia and Maurice hugged there child goodbye, with tears filling up their old wrinkled eyes as they watched her board the busy train looking rather stressed.


"Oh gosh sorry" y/n said as she walked straight into a large brown haired boy with a toad in gripped in hand.

"Oh that's fine" he sighed "my names Neville Longbottom, I don't seem to recognise you. Are you new?"

"Yes! I'm a transfer from beauxbatons" y/n replied.

"Cool I've heard a lot about that school- they came last year to compete against us in that competition... ah I can't remember the name of it".

"Tri wizard competition- my friend Fleur took part in it!" y/n exclaimed cheerfully.



"That's so awesome I need to tell my friends about that- see you around y/n!"

Y/n smiled back and continued a search for an empty cabin until she came across one with three boys in in who all looked abit older. One with dreadlocks and dark skin and the other two with ginger hair who looked awfully alike.

Y/n slid open the door and they all turned round to her.

"Hello sorry if I'm intruding on anything but I can't seem to find a seat- can I sit in here with you?"

The boy with the dreadlocks smiled at y/n.

"Of course you can, here take a seat next to me" he warmly patted the seat next to him and moved his bags to the floor.

"Oh Thankyou so much - I'm new you see and I haven't really met anyone yet except from a boy in the hallway with a toad" y/n replied.

"Must be Neville always carrying around that bloody frog of his" one of the other boys replied.

"We are fred and George - and who might you be beautiful".

Y/n could feel the heat of blood rush up to her cold cheeks as she grinned playfully.

" you'll soon be able to tell us apart - Fred's got a mole on the left side of his forehead and I'm handsomer".

"My name is y/n Monroe" y/n giggled.

"Cool name monroe, I'm lee. What year are you going into?" The boy who y/n now knew the name of lee asked.

"Oh fifth- what are you guys in?"

"Sixth"one of the twins replied.

"Your in our little baby brother-"

"Ronnikins year- he's a cutie you know but eats a heck of a lot and smells" laughed one of them.

Y/n was shocked how they could finish each other's sentence.

A little old lady went past the cabin and slid open the door.

"Hello fears would you like anything front the trolly"

"Oh yes please" replied George.

"Three chocolate frogs, a packet of every flavour beans and a caldron cake- oh y/n d'ya want anything?"

"Uhm yes but I'll pay for it".

"Please let me a gentle men".

"Let me pay for it george".

"Fine whatever you say".

Y/n got a pumpkin pasty and a pack of sugared jellies and they all sat down.

"Sorry your a cool girl y/n and we are definitely gonna be friends but every time a new person sits with us we must do the tradition- right boys".

They all mischievously smirked and nodded.

Lee leaned into his red coloured bag and brought out a orange circular pot- y/n knew exactly what it was from the trauma of her second year when her devilish cousins came to stay.

A stink bomb.

Grabbing olive- her black cat that was previously sat on her lap she made a run for it.

Slamming the door behind her.

Slumping against the cushioned seats of the train vaguely listening to hermione squawk to Ron about something I heard a bang.

"Bloody hell I bet it Fred and George doing something up to no good".

That's when a h/c hair coloured girl opened the door of a carriage sitting down quickly with a black cat in her hands

Holy shit she's the most gorgeous human I have ever seen

870 words

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