11. Wake up

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I woke up to a small knock at the door. It was 11am so everyone in my dorm must have gone off to breakfast.

"Come in" I yelled. There appeared y/n wearing some joggers and a sweatshirt. I smiled at her, hiding the pain I felt.

"You are not gonna believe what happened last night Harry" she said. She seemed really annoyed- I haven't see her this riled up since Malfoy had harassed her at the train station

She strode over to me and sat on the side of my bed staring at me

"He's a prick" she sighed
"Who is" I knew who exactly she was talking about

"Adrian- he was so fucking bad in bed" she stated rolling her eyes

"Damn that's shame" I couldn't stop myself smirking. This was great. This is the universe giving him karma for stealing my girl

"What's so funny" she huffed
"Uh- nothing, it's just I knew he would be" I chuckled at her

"Like you could do any better potter- I don't see Cho in here with you" she sneered back at me

"Cause I was waiting for someone else to come up here" I smirked again
"And who would this person be" she asked

"Well they could be sitting on my bed with me right now" I said in a seductive way

"Oh really"
"Guess we will have to see if the wait was worth it" she said, matching my tone.

I raised my eyebrows and she jumped onto my lap. I didn't even hesitate in slowly kissing her. I just grabbed her neck and pulled her down to my face

Her lips tasted so sweet and this was the best feeling I've ever felt. Euphoric you could say

She started swaying her hips against mine. Heck does she know how I've thought of her doing this to me before.
I kissed her neck before she started becoming a moaning mess

She stopped and stared at me in a weird manner. "Harry" she blankly said
"Harry wake up"

"What" this is weird- what's she up to

"Harry wake up!" She yelled

I closed my eyes and opened them to Ron standing in front of me yelling "HARRY WAKE UP" even louder

A fucking dream

A shade of pink rose to my cheeks. Shit did he hear me moaning or something

"You alright mate- you were squirming around and you're sweating"  he said confused
"Oh yeah nightmare- horrible one" I lied. The dream was the complete opposite actually

"Right yeah of course- let's go downstairs. I've got a banging headache" he stated after opening the door for me to follow

"I'll meet you in a second just need to brush my teeth" this was another lie. I needed to ... calm down. So I stayed in my bed for a couple of minutes. Put on red tartan plaid pyjama trousers and then went down stairs to see Fred, Hermione, George, Ron with lavender sitting beside him clinging on his arm, lee, Angelina, Neville, and then Seamus and Dean sitting together awkwardly.

Everyone looked hungover but the common room was back to normal- like nothing had changed.
George was laying on the sofa on his stomach covering his face. He let out a long groan which suggested he was also, hungover.

I love having control on what I drink I thought to myself whilst I took a seat next to the sofa

Y/N's POV:
I woke up to Adrian stirring around in his sleep. As I thought about last night I couldn't stop smiling. I had moved on.

Adrian spoke in a raspy morning voice "good morning beautiful" as he draped his heavy arm around my body

I snuggled into it but then thought to myself no one must know Adrian was here- not because they would snake on me but the embarrassment I will have to deal with

"We need to get up".

We did so and tiptoed downstairs. Luckily I couldn't heard anyone in the common room so we just ran to the bottom of the stairs. Coming in view of several, shocked but amused faces

I pushed the confused Adrian back into the stairs

"Good morning y/n" spoke Fred with a smirk. oh my godric he didn't catch him.
"Good morning Adrian" he said again. Fuck sake

Even George, who I thought was asleep poked his head around from the sofa

I helped Adrian up and we walked to the common room door

Before I playfully pushed him out he pulled me into a kiss which obviously got the Gryffindor's excited so those mother fuckers started howling and whistling

"Yeah, yeah shut up" I said as I lied down next to George as there was no where else to sit and I'm not sitting on the floor

"You guys hooked up didn't you" laughed Dean

"Well obviously- she's got messy hair, she's wearing his sweater, she's gone as red as a tomato and she hobbled over here on a limp" pronounced hermione, smiling down at me

"Why would you know that?" Asked Neville innocently
Using my knowledge at an advantage I said "oh I don't know maybe you should ask Fred

The whole room flooded with silence and gaped at hermione

In the corner of my eye I could see Harry looking down at me and George cuddling on the sofa

I think he sees me as a little sister- like he's very protective.

905 words

Sorry that was a bland chapter - I wanted to update but stuff BIG STUFF is gonna happen next chapter.
Have a good day/ night wherever you are. Vote if you want :D

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