15. Announcements

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Y/N's POV:
Its been 2 days since me and Harry got back to being friends, I've starting hanging out with the Gryffindors again and don't need Adrian to come with me everywhere

I sat in my seat next to Ron in charms. He was complaining to my about Lavender apparently being clingy. They got together just before Christmas.

I didn't mind there relationship, neither did Harry. But Hermione seemed off about it. She said she was using Ron to get close to George. But I don't think that's true. She really likes Ron- she could possibly love him. I think Hermione is just jealous

"She always wants to snog me y/n" Ron said before turning to Lavender in the corner giving him a wave.
"Ron just smile at her for godrics sake" he reluctantly did so

"She wants me so sit with her" he whispered to me

"Then do so, I won't mind. But I'll miss my ickle Ronnikins" I said pretending he was a puppy

Lavender but up her hand "professor, please can Ron sit with m-"

The door of the classroom swung open to McGonagall "all Gryffindors to the great hall in five minuets" she pronounced then waltzed off

I looked at Ron confused, he obviously had the same expression

We packed our stuff and walked to the hall
"Have you ever noticed that Snape gives the slytherins 50 points each for breathing and takes 100 off of us for simply getting a question right" I spoke looking up at him

"Now you say it, he is truly scary" he wiggled his fingers infront of my face and we burst into a fit of giggles

I sat imbetween dean and a boy called Colin creevey in the year below. This was a huge mistake. I'm well known throughout the school for catching the snitch in my first ever game of quidditch in year one, and for always successfully playing.
Colin loved me, he always carried around his camera to take pictures with me

I would always try and run away but y/n would take pictures with him so I thought he's not so bad

"Harry what does the snitch feel like" he squeaked. The boy reminds me of a hyperactive hamster or puppy

"Harry is flying fun" i weakly smiled at me

"Harry do you want to be a quidditch player when you are older"

"Harry who's your role model"
I zoned out from his questions when I saw y/n laughing at something Ron had told her

Don't overthink it -he's pretty funny

Not as funny as me though, I make her laugh the most

Ron came over to me and plopped in between me and Colin.
I've never been so thankful in my life

I watched y/n take a seat next to Angelina and Hermione

McGonagall told us that we would be having 'a new year ball'
Weird. Last year we did this at Christmas time for the triwizarding competition
She claimed that it was a great way to expand friendships and relationships with other houses

The boys groaned and some of the girls squealed with excitement
I am getting so much nostalgia from year four right now

I saw y/n whisper something into hermione ear and she rolled her eyes, then smiling at y/n

Y/N's POV:
"Ron told me all the drama that happened last year with krum-I think you should ask him before lavender does" I whispered to hermione

She rolled her eyes and smiled at me "I want too but you must not tell him" he nodded then turning back to the professor

She had used one of the twins as a dance partner. The whole time he was smirking

I looked over to hermione who was already dancing with Oliver wood from seventh year

Neville nervously came up to me and stuck his hand out

I looked up at him and smiled "hullo y/n w-would you l-like t-t-to dance with m-me" the poor boy was a red stuttering mess

I quickly grabbed his hand and jumped up "who wouldn't want to dance with you"
He gave me a huge grin and pulled me to the centre of the room

I looked over to Harry dancing with Ginny. They both were okay-ish dancers but did not look happy.
I think Ginny wanted him to be Luna

Neville was definitely a good dancer. He told me that his parents used to take him ball room dancing every weekend until he was 10

I stood up after convincing Ron to let lavender dance with him and went to find y/n, Hermione was with ...Oliver wood.
She was laughing as he tried to spin her around.

My eyes darting or go find my dance partner but of course someone else had got there first


He had his hands on her body and they looked like they were enjoying themselves

My timing is so shit

842 words

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