6. horrendous hangovers

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I've got almost 100 reads on this story...its doubled in a day! Compared to other books it isn't much but it means so a lot that people are actually taking the time to read my work- it gives me something to do as I have motivation issues but its made me so happy and I only started this 5 DAYS AGO so I'm gonna say it again-thankyou!!!

If you have any suggestions for this story please comment it cause I've already planned out the plot but I am absolutely fine with including other ideas!


Y/N's POV:

I woke up from Olive being my trusted alarm clock and nuzzling herself into the neck. It was 8am and I had two hours until my first lesson. I picked up my potions book to study ahead of everyone. I felt like shit. Walking down the concrete stairs I honestly thought I was gonna throw up everything I had eaten since I had been at Hogwarts. Every step just made my head hurt more and more until I got to the common room and saw Ron sitting on the red couch staring into the fireplace, like it had just told him a secret

"you okay Ronnie" I asked him. He jumped a bit then turned to look at me. "uhm yeah, yeah right okay I'm gonna tell you something that you cant tell anyone. Not Harry or Hermione. No one." he mumbled whilst keeping eye contact with me as I sat next to him crossed legged

"that lavender girl asked me if I wanted to meet her by the black lake for a picnic. But do you know I what I did -I just bloody nodded and ran away" he said looking at me with the widest eyes I've ever seen

"right ok, what's the problem then" I retorted "I don't like her. We are going on a date. I like someone else" he replied back

"ppffft tell me about it" I laughed " oh shut up y/n you can get any guy you wish for-do you know how many people were staring at you in lessons yesterday" I looked at him with the most shocked expression

"wait no y/n I didn't mean it like that - sorry but unfortunately for you, you aren't the girl for me" he said giving me a playfully disgusted look

"good" a exclaimed back, Ron nudged my shoulder. I engulfed him in a hug- he's been such a great friend to me already.

still holding onto Ron's torso I quickly let go once I heard a small cough from behind me


I woke up with a start thinking about y/n. Was she ok? Did she get back to Gryffindor dorms? Ron wasn't in his bed so I decided to go into the common room to find him and hopefully catch her. yes I did catch her, hugging my best friend.

I coughed making them split- they looked awfully guilty of something.

"ugh if I've interrupted I can leave" Ron shook his head and invited me over to the sofa. I sat next to y/n and she gave me one of her award winning smiles. She looked abit rough this morning. She stunk of alcohol and her hair was messed everywhere, I could tell she hadn't got changed or taken off her makeup.

Hermione came down shortly after me and sat on a chair opposite us. Right now she looked the complete opposite of y/n- her hair was neatly brushed down and wet. "so what happened last night y/n"

She explained to Ron and Hermione about the owl and the note and then told us the events of last night- she seemed like she enjoyed herself but I could feel my blood boil as she told us about the fucking lap dances she gave Adrian and how he kissed her afterwards. She mentioned the dares she was given and how surprisingly fun it was to hang out with the Slytherin's. Did she not like our company? I'm pretty sure she can read my mind as she announced that even though she enjoyed them she was most comfortable and calm around us.

I just couldn't be mad at her. She rested her head against my shoulder as the four of us laughed at how Draco introduced her to Crabbe and Goyle and I'm pretty sure my heart was gonna be thrown up if it didn't stop beating so fast.


y/n spent the next month studying with Neville and Hermione, pulling pranks with the twins, going on lots of walks and adventures with harry, playing eating competitions with Ron, hanging out with the Slytherin's, sneaking out with Draco to watch the stars and rant about life- they soon became each others therapists, going to the three broomsticks with Dean, Seamus, Lavender, Praviti and her twin Padma, getting taught how to play quidditch by Angelina and her friends, and sending letters to Noah that slowly came back with very dry replies and next to no details about his life.

Y/N's POV:

The wait for Noah's letters because longer and more tiering. Did he know about that night- I stayed away from Adrian - and Draco understood that I felt extremely guilty about cheating on him.

To clear my mind I went on a walk to the forbidden forest with Neville to get some mushrooms that I couldn't even pronounce. Anyways, when we were wandering around I saw three figures in the distance, when I walked closer I realised one of them was harry alongside two girls holding hands. One of them was tall and thin with fiery hair who looked awfully like Ron and the other was a small bleach blonde frizzy haired girl with huge blue eyes and strange but beautiful clothes.

Harry waved to me and I shouted for Neville to come over, he trudged over to me with something in his hands. Turns out the tall girl was related to Ron and the twins as I remembered him saying he had a younger sister called Ginny and the other littler girl was her girlfriend called Luna. They were both very sweet and Luna complimented my bracelet.

Me and harry walked back to my room and Neville stayed with those girls in the forest

As we got in I noticed a owl sitting on the frame of my bed holding a large letter in its beak

"how the fuck did u get in here" harry asked the owl as if its was going to reply back to him

"I left the window open you idiot" I laughed at him

taking the letter from the black owl, I gave it a peanut and it flew off. I recognised the handwriting straight away- it was Maya's! I have wrote to her but she, as well as Noah's letters seemed very simple and dry.

I took a seat on my bed with harry and I opened the envelope. reading the first sentence on the parchment I felt my heart drop.
1181 words

I wonder what's in the letter 🤔🤷‍♀️

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