19. Expect the unexpected

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Y/N's POV:
I hated potions before but I hate it more because of the rat I have to sit next to

"Y/n" she squeaked

"It's Monroe to you" I growled at her as she rolled her eyes

"None of the Slytherins like you" pansy snickered

"If only you were telling the truth but Draco does when he tells you he hates you" she looked shocked at my remark

"Well Adrian uses you for your body" she chocked

I knew she was making this up but it did hurt. Adrian would never, he's so respectful to me but the fact I have been used for my body in my last relationship did give me some trauma

Before I was about to snap at pugface for saying such a thing snape's curdling voice filled the room

"Right you may leave class"
I packed my stuff and left as soon as I could. I stole Parkinson's parchment and stuffed it in the bottom of my bag so she wouldn't be able to do the homework properly

I met Harry in the entrance and as it was the end of the day we walked to the forbidden forest to meet Luna

Luna liked us the most from Gryffindor -except from Ginny- because we didn't talk down to her, call her looney and we just listened to her

We were going to help her find this special berries to repel nargels? What ever they are, we went

We entered the deeper parts of the trees and watched her stroking those odd creatures pulling the carriages I saw earlier in the year

"What's she doing?" Asked Harry. Sometimes I forget he exists, he can be so careful or quiet- he would make a great stalker or spy

"She's stroking the animal" I simply replied with as we got closer

Harry grabbed my wrist and slapped his hand onto my forehead with a concerned face
"Y/n are you feeling well"

"I'm fine Harry" I lowed his hand

"Hello Luna" we said in unison

I looked down at her feet to find them... bare

"Hello Harry and y/n"

"Aren't your feet cold" asked Harry

"Unfortunately all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared. I suspect nargles are behind it"

I frowned and look to Harry who looked at me with the same expression

People were so mean and cruel to Luna for no reason. They hate her because she's different and unique. Whenever I see pansy tormenting her in the hallway me and Ginny stand up for what's right

And sometimes that's giving her a nose bleed

The beautiful thing that Luna was stroking started to move around and flap it enormous wings

It was almost like the skeleton of a horse but more dark and mysterious -almost dangerous in a way, but it seemed so calm. I instantly fell in love with it not knowing what it was

"What is it Luna" I spoke

"What's what, y/n, Luna is this some joke or something" spluttered Harry in a rude manner

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