29. Warm arms

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I woke up calmly in a pair of warm arms that seemed to hold me tightly. The bright summer sun rays attaching themselves to the bed I was sleeping on

I glanced up to a smiley boy looking down on me. He began to stroke my hair gently. His navy blue jumper worked so nicely with his messy hair and emerald eyes. I've never realised how attractive Harry actually was.

Ruining this perfectly still moment in came Ralph searching for something.
He stared at me for a second in disbelief
"Uh oh my god I'm so sorry I -uh - you didn't- never mind- could you- shit- I'm sorry- haha I found out" he was in a right mess. In a panic he grabbed the closest thing to him on the desk in front which so happened to be a pair of glasses and immediately shut the door behind him

I looked at Harry and we giggled. We then got out of this bed and headed downstairs

It was the last day that we were all staying at the burrow

I said goodbye to ginny and her brothers and Hermione. She was saying a bit longer as her parents were currently in Italy for a holiday I think

I hugged Ralph goodbye. It was awkward as we hadn't spoken all morning

I then went to hug Harry. I quickly pecked the side of his face without anyone realised. "See you in September pretty girl" he whispered into my ear. Let's not talk about the effect that had on me

I went back to France for the majority of the summer. I visited maya. She had changed a lot. We avoided the topic of Noah. I've just kind of forgotten about him. I'll hopefully never see him again so why would I still think about him

It was august 31st and I'm all packed for school. I genuinely can't wait. I have so much fun there and i miss my friends

I feel good things coming for the next year

341 words
Short chapter but expect the unexpected for next chapter 😉

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