3. welcome to Gryffindor

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No way was the girl i liked going to be in the same house as me! Wow the universe really pulled through for once... or the person i was pleading to in my head for her to be in Gryffindor. I couldnt wait to tell my parents about my new friend, i would definitely not be telling them that shes my new crush because mum will be planning our wedding and my dad would be telling his mates who would just straight torment me for weeks. And yes i am speaking from experience

She sat down at our table with the hugest grin ive ever seen. i was so, so happy. I could tell she was as well.


I was over the moon that i was in gryffindor, i had only met gryffindors and slytherins in the first few hours of my school experience and the slytherins definately didnt make a good impression on me.

i sat imbetween ron and hermione and across from harry who was, again, staring at me but this time with a smile

"well whose this beauty" a boy with a plain face but a very heavy Irish accent said, a couple seats away from me.

His friend nugded his rib and gave me an apoligetic smile

"sorry about him. His manners must have disappeared"he calmly explained "my names dean thomas and this gits seamus finnegan" (i love dean lots so i can imagine him apoligising on behalf of Seamus)

"hi my names y/n monroe and dont worry it was quite funny really" i said holding in a giggle

A girl with curly hair and a lilac headband who was sitting on the other side of hermione introduced herself as lavender brown and her friend placed across from her pravati patil. they were both very kind and genuine which made me feel so at home- almost as if I hadn't transferred.
we ate the most delicious feast ive ever had- even better then beauxbatons food and crikey that was good

the professor who was in charge of the sorting hat came up to our table and started handing out our timetables. she was tall and had thin frame, she looked stern but had a sweet smile and a kind voice. "oh miss monroe, all of the girls dormitries for gryffindors are fully packed - you would have to have a private room, unless you wish to share one with some second years" she pronounced "um no thankyou ill keep with my own room" she nodded and waltzed over to the teachers table again

"woah y/n youre so lucky - getting a room by your self" said angelina johnson- a pretty older girl who i had met earlier

i gave her a cheeky grin and continued stuffing my face
i got a quick castle tour from hermione and she explained the stuff about the common room, the door and password and she drew me a map that i quickly memorised


i finally found my room in the girls dormitories- it was very large as it only had one bed in it pushed up into the corner.

I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow based on the fact I have had a very busy and stressful day

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and spent the whole day organising and redecorating my new bedroom as it was Sunday

Ok it looked nicer than my one at home or at beauxbatons

I was bored of reading my favourite book "pride and prejudice" so I decided to write a letter to Noah explaining how my first few days and how amazing and cool hogwarts is as well as the people in it.

622 words

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