22. The boy laying on the sofa

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Neville supremacy in this chapter ❤️

Y/N's POV:

In the morning I helped Harry get ready and with magic I was able to fix the bruises dotted around his face and his broken nose. He was basically fully healed

I told Harry, for him, Hermione and Ron to wait for me in the great hall for breakfast whilst I was getting dressed

When I came down to the common room. A boy layed on the sofa staring deeply into the fire
I knew exactly who it was so I crept behind the sofa and tapped the person on the shoulder to make them jump

They didn't flinch but instead slowly turned their head. He had red, puffy eyes and his lips were a bit swollen.

"Neville?" I asked calmly

"Oh hello y/n" he sighed

I took a seat next to his legs on the sofa and placed my hand on his ankle

"Whats wrong are you okay"

I watched a single drop of water fall from his eyes and down his cheek wetting the pillow he leaned his head on

I grabbed his hand and he reluctantly stood up

I just engulfed my body with his to form a hug
"It's okay neville I'm here"
Quiet sniffles and sobs were played onto my shoulders as I stroked his soft hair

I didn't know what was the matter but he needed comforting, so that what I did

He lifted his head up from the crook of my neck and faced me. I gave him a small but warm smile as I wiped the remaining tears from his face

I wrapped my hand in his and we walked in a comfortable silence down to the great hall

I told him to wait just outside the big doors as I quickly entered. I made sure I sent a glare to a beaten up looking Draco malfoy on my way in

"I'm just gonna take a walk" I told my Gryffindor friends whilst wrapping two slices of toast in a napkin
"Can I come with?" Harry asked whilst giving me almost puppy eyes. This was hard to say no to
"Maybe another time" I stiffly smile at him

I then hurried over to Adrian, who was luckily sitting a fair distance away from Malfoy and with his older friends
I gave him a quick peck on the lips and met back with Neville who was fiddling with his fingers and looking at his shoes

We walked all the way to the black lake whilst eating our toast. Today's weather wasn't the finest. It was cloudy and not as warm as normal but still durable

We sat down by a tree
"Do you want to talk about it" I calmly exclaimed

He took a second to answer but slowly nodded
"I feel so lonely, like everyone goes out of there way to make my life hell and I feel like I can't impress my parents" he sighed

My heart broke for him. He was so kind and brave and didn't deserve any of this pain he was going through

"Who makes it hell Neville" I asked

He looked at me, then to the lake then to his hand, which were shaking ever so slightly

"Draco" he whispered almost so I couldn't hear it

"I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch" I fumed. Firstly he decides to bullshit about me, then beat up one of my bestfriends and THEN hurts one of the most important people I know

Neville chuckled slightly which relieved me ever so slightly

"He pushes me around, calls me a blood traitor, trips me up in the hallways and judges the amount of food I eat" he sighed

I grabbed his face gently so he would look at me "he's a horrible person and a bully. If he judges you, judge him back. He's weak unlike you"
I grinned at the boy in front of me

He wrapped his homely arms around my torso and embraced me tightly
"Thankyou so much for simply caring about me" he whispered

"Anytime and I have met your parents at platform 9 3/4 - they seemed lovely and ever so kind. They made the most perfect and kindest boy I've ever met. I would be so proud of you if I were your parents and I know they are too"

"Yeah I guess I'm overthinking, they are great and I don't know what I would do without them"

I unwrapped his grasp from me and placed my hands on either side of his shoulders
"Right tell me about that new plant I saw you poking around with in the common room yesterday"
Sorry my updates are getting slower and slower, I'm not in the best frame of mine recently and I'm trying not to have a relapse. I hope you enjoyed that little Neville moment ❤️
778 words

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