18. Stay quiet and dont make a sound

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Y/N's POV:

I stretched, making sure I didn't let a groan slip out of my mouth and carefully slipped myself from Adrian's grasp.
I look to his clock that was hung in his slytherin bedroom 11:23 am

As I stand onto my feet a wave of nausea and pain fills into my head
How much did I drink last night

I got dressed and turned around to close his door handle behind me

As I turned back around a figure was stood right next to me. This made me jump, I clutched my hand onto my chest to slow my breathing down and looked around to see a very wide eyed and alarmed Hermione

"Uh I-I hello y/n" she stuttered

I leant across the wall and a smirk took over my face "and what would you be doing walked down from the Slytherin boys dorm" I whispered, she grabbed my hand and we ran down the stairs

I waved goodbye to daphne who was sprawled over the sofa and hadn't even attempted for her and Blaise to go to their dorm last night

Once we finally got to the painting by Gryffindor she pinned me against the stone wall "y/n you cannot tell anyone"

"Alright, alright- but who" I asked with an eyebrow raised

"don't tell the boys cause they'll make fun of me"

"Get on with it mione"

"Theodore" she whispered, almost so I couldn't hear it


She slapped her hand over my mouth and told me to shut up

We walked into the common room and sat by a tired looking Harry,Ron, Ginny and Luna

"Good morning y/n Monroe" "good morning Hermione Granger" Luna softly said in her sweet voice

"Hiya Luna" I smile at her and she returns it. I love Luna - and Ginny of course. They were there to comfort me when I got homesick after my argument with Harry

"Where have you two been" asked Ron

"Oh I stayed with Adrian last night and Hermione also-"

"I went to pick up y/n and walk her back just in case she had a hangover!" Hermione quickly interrupted me

"Mhm" I smile and lean my head on Freds lap

I turn to Harry who was already looking down to me
"Did Cho not stay?" I ask innocently

"She said she had to be somewhere last night" he grumbled




The weather was less bitter, the snow had disappeared and the grass had started to dry

It was now April and I had been with Cho for just over three months now. She was less of a distraction and more of a proper relationship. My feelings for
y/n had not totally gone but more or less slowed down

I sat slumped on a tree writing a letter to my mum and dad just about life, quidditch and friends

Cho appeared from almost nowhere with a smile on her face. She sat down next to me and I curled my arm over her shoulders

Sometimes Cho would be a bit distant and suspicious but I didn't really mind. She still took an interest in me and I think I might actually like her

"Watcha' doing Harry" she asked

"Oh never mind me - how are you? I haven't seen you around" I noticed she dropped her smile and started shuffling around

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