25. The burrow p1

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Me, Ron, hermione and y/n who had quietly been sniffling to herself the whole train ride, finally pulled into platform 9 3/4

Ron helped Hermione with her luggage and I helped y/n. She beamed up at me which made my heart feel like it was growing warmer

I took this opportunity of my arm being near her face to flex my muscles as I reached up for her bags in the above head railings

Of course she gave off no reaction, but it was worth a shot

What a year it had been. It's definitely been my favourite- even over the triwizard tournament. All because of the h/c haired girl standing next to me. Scanning her eyes all of the crowds of wizards and witches, in hopes of finding her parents

"Look there's my mum and dad" I told the group as I pointed her finger over to my parents

We all walked over to them. They didn't notice us at first, as they were talking to another set of parents

"Mum! Dad!" Shouted y/n as she turned the women's shoulder

Ah they must be her parents
Ok I see the resemblance

"Harry darling" spoke my mum softly as she enveloped her arms around mine

Her red hair sprawled all over my shoulder. I instantly felt at home with her.

I unraveled myself from her and embraced my dad with a tight hug

"Harry son, how've you been!" I smiled up at him as he patted my back

"Look mum, dad this is my new friend y/n" I announced

"Hello Mr and Mrs potter" y/n smiled

"Please, I'm lily and this is James and we know exactly who you are!" Squeaked my mum

Y/n turned her head quickly to me whilst knitting her eyebrows together in confusion

"Other than the fact our son doesn't stop writing about you-" I quickly coughed loudly in embarrassment whilst y/n just giggled

"You two had play dates all the time when you were little babies" interrupted mum

"Wait what?!" We both alarmingly shouted at the same time

"Yes both of us were bestfriends with y/n's parents!"

"Why didn't you tell me?" I curiously asked

"Why would we? Not much point as you wouldn't of known them" spoke up my dad

"Anyways" muttered my mother

"We are all heading off to the burrow so more chat then"

Ok this is going to be fun I thought to myself
The beginning of summer with y/n - and Ron's siblings and Hermione of course


Finally after that long ass drive of mum constantly asking if y/n's my girlfriend and how my year has been, we got to the burrow

Apparently we would be staying on and off there for the rest of the summer. I'm not complaining at all

I unpacked my bags in Ron's room with Ginnys help, as I was staying there with him

Me and Ginny have been good friends since hogwarts
We both had a small crush for each other in third year but apparently that was to try and conceal her liking for girls- Luna

She's bi with a preference for females.
If I'm going to be honest, I did think I liked Cedric in fourth year but I didn't tell anyone

"You like her don't you" Ginny  asked, breaking me from my deep thoughts

"Uh what, when, who" I stuttered

"Y/n of course" she chuckled, staring at the polaroid picture of me and y/n at the Yule ball

"No why on earth would you say that Ginny?"

"I know what the feeling of love is like, and the way you look at her - you've caught it too" she smiled at me

"I don't like y/n" I bluntly replied

"Oh come off it Harry! Ron told me that you were moaning her name in your sleep" she laughed

I snapped my head in her direction
"You cannot tell a soul" I said that whilst gripping her shoulders

She looked at me with big eyes and I noticed how I cheeky looking grin started to spread along her lower face

"He didn't tell you anything did he?" I muttered ashamed of my gullible ways

She quickly shook her head before letting out a snort

I rolled my eyes and tutted

I looked out of the window to see hermione and
y/n's parents come out of their shared car

I think a couple more people are staying over at the burrow as y/n, Hermione and Ginny stayed in a room. Me, Ron and the twins- who normally have their own room
And each set of parents had a room to themselves- with two left over rooms

After helping y/n's family gather their bags, another car came into the small driveway

Ohhh it's Remus and Sirius with their daughter Aurora


The burrow was crammed, I had met the lupin family, Harry's parents along with Hermione and the rest of Ron's siblings. I had a liking for his two older brothers; Charlie and his girlfriend Tonks, and bill and you aren't gonna believe who his girlfriend is - FLEUR
what a shocker

Just as we started eating, molly announced and other family was staying
She said they were some old friends who's son is in my year


I love myself for including Harry's parents in this story
905 words

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