17. All comes out

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Y/N's POV:

"Seems like lover boys trying to be friendly with the Gryffindors" daphne giggled into my ear

"Oh shut up daph" I grinned at her

Turns out that Blaise had asked Daphne to go with him- I've never realised how well they would be together
Pansy made Draco go with her. Poor boy. And Theo went with some 4th year

"Y/n there's a party in the room of requirements later- bring your friends from Gryffindor" Adrian whispered to me

"Why are you being so friendly towards them Addie" (please it's her nickname for him) "I don't know can I not make friends with my girlfriends buddies"

I laughed and watched as Ron continuously stepped on Hermiones foot- she did not look happy. He must of told her something funny as she giggled

Theo convinced me to dance with him. I also promised Draco a dance too. When I tell you pansy was not happy.

She forced Adrian into a dance and he looked so uncomfortable with her all over him

Most of the people from the ball were gone so we made our way out

Hermione, Daphne, me and Cho all got ready in my room. I wore a short red dress and leant some of my other dresses to the girls. It's strange because we all got on fine which was nice as we are from different houses

Cho is really lovely and I can definitely see why Harry likes her

We made our way to the room of requirements and entered. It looked more like a nightclub. I went to one with my muggle friends

There was different places you could sit. A huge table with a load of different drinks and shots and a large dance floor with many stumbling drunk teenagers on it. It smelt of weed and vodka in here

There was already lots of people and I think we were one of the last to arrive

Me and Daphne gathered all of our friends to a corner where there was a large circle of seat, sofas and armchairs

Hermione placed several bottles of drinks onto the table in the middle

Once everyone came I finally sat down on the couch imbetween Fred and Adrian

In the group was; Harry with Cho sat on his lap, Ron who had his arm hung around lavender, praviti, padma, Neville, Ginny with her leg swung onto lunas, Fred, George, hermione, Theo, Draco, Adrian, Blaise and daphne holding hands, lee, dean, Seamus, this girl called Hannah Abbott and Cedric

There was tension mainly coming from Harry and Draco who were just glaring at each other and Cho and Cedric who I'm guessing were exes

"Truth and dare or spin the bottle" Blaise asked. It was weird because everyone was being so friendly to each other. I'm not complaining though

"Uh truth or dare" Theo said with a smirk

Cedric spun the bottle and it landed on Ron. "Truth" he muttered out

"If you could make out with one girl in this room who would it be" his cheeks were as red as his hair
Why was this fucker red

"Lavender of course" he laughed nervously. Yeah right

Ron spun the bottle. He must've done it with a bit of strength because it took about 20 seconds to stop spinning

It landed on daphne. She picked truth as well and was asked who her crush is

And it was Blaise. All the boys started clapping and he ran round the circle bowing

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