10. common room parties

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(ok for this chapter you do have to imagine their isnt such a division between the wizarding world and the muggle world)

And I am SO exited for this chapter as it really shows what I think being an older teenager at Hogwarts would be like. Also I forgot to mention that the year ages will go up by one -so in fifth year they are 16/17, sixth year they are 17/18 and seventh year they re 18/19.
Remember to vote and comment :)


After 2 hours of unsuccsessfully helping y/n with her outfit, I think she got an idea got and shooed me out of her room and promised to suprise me with it.

its now Halloween night and whilst the first, second and third years were out in Hogsmeade trickle treating they were made to stay in the great hall because Dumbledore found some muggle projector and is gonna play a scary film

i have decided to go as superman, i thought our glasses were pretty similar and i dont want to go extreme so i got one of my blue shirts and wrote S for 'superman' on it

i used gel to control my messy brown locks. it still looked a mess but it was controlled in a way

Ron that git, decided to go as ME. He put green eye contacts in, bought circular glasses and temporily died his hair jet black- so it would come out after one shower.

We walked down the stairs to about 100 people from all different houses crammed in the common room. It definitely looked bigger, the couches, desks and fireplace had just disappeared and I'm sure they put a stretching spell on the room

There was a long table FILLED with all sorts of alchols and drinks. I walked over to the table and picked up a plastic cup of something that smelt like beer and so did ron

"can you see y/n and mione anywhere?" I shouted to ron, he shook his head indicating no then gaped at something behind me

I briskly turned around, now looking up to the girl dormitry stairs to see hermione, ginny and y/n standing at the bottom. giggling to themselves. holy shit i can see why y/n's outfit was a suprise. she was wearing a silky black dress that hung on to her beautful figure with some dainty black wings attached to her back. Over the strobe light i could tell she was wearing black lipstick with dark smokey eyeshadow. I'm definatly making my move on her tonight.

We waved to them and they came prancing over to us. Ginny was wearing some American school cheerleader outfit and she walked over to the corner to where Luna was. Hermione was wearing a long, slim fitting dress that shimmered, by the scales and purple makeup I'm guessing she was a mermaid.

"i know we shared that bottle of firewhiskey earlier hermy but why is there two harreth's" y/n slirred

"its me, ron" ron told her

"lets dance" she shouted pulling the three of us to the centre of the room after getting two drinks, she guzzled the first one down quickly. There was loud music playing and everyone in all sorts of weird and wonderful costumes were dancing around. loads of couples in the corner were already making out. Including dean and Seamus ... that ones new.

"Ron we need to refill our drinks" Hermione spoke. "nah its fine mines still got a bit in" Ron shrugged. "NO Ron we should fill up our drinks" she said glaring t him then kicking his foot. He got the message leaving me and y/n alone together. ok it time I thought to myself

a song that y/n recognised started playing and she gave me a wide grin

"dance with me harreth she slurred

I took both of her cold little hands and spun her around as she started jumping around singing

then everything went in slow-motion. the  song, the dancing, the people. Everything just stopped as we made powerful eye contact. We both slowly inched closer . Not once separating our eyes from each other. Every memory of her flooded into me.The first time we met, how I instantly wanted her, going on countless adventures, making her laugh, the feel of contentment and peace when she was in my arms. This is so right, so perfect. I stared at her lips and she closed her eyes, so did I. Leaning forward so I could taste her lips on mine. There was no movement. I opened my eyes and she was gone

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